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Google VXC Setup


We will construct the following architecture on Google Cloud.

GCP Architecture


VLAN Attachment

This step is performed on Google GCP VLAN Attachment


  • "Partner Interconnect Connection"
  • "Set up unencrypted Interconnect"

GCP VLAN Attachment Parameters

GCP VLAN Attachment Parameters 2

  • "Network": Choose the one you are connecting from
  • "Region": Choose the one that there is a Telnyx PoP in proximity
  • "MTU": 8896

GCP VLAN Attachment Parameters 3

  • Create a router or choose an existing one.

GCP VLAN Attachment Parameters 4

GCP VLAN Attachment Parameters 5

GCP VLAN Attachment Parameters 6

Telnyx Network

This step is performed on Telnyx.

If you don't have a network created already, you may follow this guide to create one.


Create a VXC resource

This step is performed on Telnyx.

POST /v2/virtual_cross_connects HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 286

"network_id": "a843547c-3f08-4a7e-8a4b-270c3ffb13f2",
"name": "xd-frankfurt-vxc-gcp",
"cloud_provider": "gce",
"cloud_provider_region": "europe-west3",
"primary_cloud_account_id": "xxxx/europe-west3/2",
"bgp_asn": 16550,
"bandwidth_mbps": 50

Activate Connection

This step is performed on Google.

GCP Activate Connection

GCP Activate Connection 2

GCP Activate Connection 3

“Peer ASN”: 63440 (Telnyx) “MD5 Authentication”: primary_bgp_key GCP Activate Connection 4

Update BGP Peering

This step is performed on Telnyx.

At this point, the connection is “Down”. We need to take the Google assigned GBP IPs and set them on the VXC.

GCP Update BGP Peering 1

GCP Update BGP Peering 2

Use the PATCH method.

  • primary_cloud_ip — “Cloud Router BGP IP” or “Remote IP” in the “Troubleshooting” page
  • primary_telnyx_ip — “BGP peer IP” or “Local IP”in the “Troubleshooting” page
PATCH /v2/virtual_cross_connects/:vxc_uuid HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 31

"primary_enabled": true,
"primary_cloud_ip": "",
"primary_telnyx_ip": ""

At this point, on Google, it will show the “Status” as “Up”

GCP Update BGP Peering 3

Validate Connection

This step is performed on Google.

  • Under VPC networks, you should see the routes advertised over the cloud router created.
  • You can also ssh in one of your instances in the same network and perform a traceroute.

GCP Verify Connection

xxx@instance-20240503-154050:~$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 * * *
2 ( 4.393 ms 4.367 ms 4.349 ms
3 ( 114.732 ms 114.715 ms 114.698 ms
4 ( 114.903 ms 114.877 ms 114.860 ms
5 ( 114.843 ms 114.825 ms 114.807 ms
6 ( 114.857 ms 114.064 ms 114.038 ms