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Generic Coverage

Individual networking resource availability is not universal across all Telnyx regions. Hence the user must ensure the desired resource is offered at the desired region. To this end, we offer a coverage API.

The location parameter is hierarchical:

sitea broad geographical area within the region, e.g. ORD in AMER
popa specific data center within the site, e.g. CH1 in ORD
namea human readable name, e.g. Chicago IL, US
codethe unique ID for the site, e.g. chicago-il

The available_services parameter is an array of all available resources that can be created at this specific location. Possible values are:

  • virtual_cross_connect
  • cloud_vpn aka wireguard interface aka wireguard gateway
  • private_wireless_gateway
  • public_internet_gateway

Here are some common usage patterns of this API.

Querying by the desired product

GET /v2/network_coverage?filter[available_services][contains]=cloud_vpn

Querying by the desired product with a location constraint

GET /v2/network_coverage?filter[available_services][contains]=cloud_vpn&filter[location.region]=AMER

Querying by the desired location

GET /v2/network_coverage?filter[location.region]=EMEA

Here is a sample response:

"data": [
"available_services": [
"location": {
"region": "EMEA",
"site": "FRA",
"pop": "FR5",
"name": "Frankfurt, DE",
"code": "frankfurt-de"
"record_type": "network_coverage"
"meta": {
"total_pages": 1,
"total_results": 1,
"page_number": 1,
"page_size": 25

Virtual Cross Connects (VXC) Coverage

In the case of virtual cross connect (VXC) there are two terminating endpoints to every single connection: a cloud provider endpoint and a Telnyx endpoint.

As a result, it’s insufficient to simply perform the coverage check. For example, the above API response only indicates that one end of the VXC can be terminated at the Telnyx’s FR5 PoP. It provides no information about the other terminating endpoint. To that end, we offer a VXC coverage API to augment the generic coverage API.

Here are some common usage patterns of this API.

Querying by fixing Telnyx endpoint

GET /v2/virtual_cross_connects_coverage?filter[location.pop]=CH1

The response to the above query shows all the possible cloud provider endpoints at which a VXC, whose one end is terminated at Telnyx CH1 PoP, can be terminated.

Querying by fixing cloud provider endpoint

GET /v2/virtual_cross_connects_coverage?filter[cloud_provider]=aws&filter[cloud_provider_region]=us-east-1

The response to the above query shows all the possible Telnyx endpoints at which a VXC, whose one end is terminated at us-east-1 of AWS, can be terminated.

Here is a sample response:

"data": [
"cloud_provider": "aws",
"cloud_provider_region": "us-east-2",
"location": {
"region": "AMER",
"site": "ORD",
"pop": "CH1",
"name": "Chicago IL, US",
"code": "chicago-il"
"available_bandwidth": [
"record_type": "virtual_cross_connects_coverage"
"meta": {
"total_pages": 1,
"total_results": 1,
"page_number": 1,
"page_size": 25

The available_bandwidth is in Mbps.