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Private Wireless Gateway (PGW)


Private Wireless Gateway (PGW) is an element that routes traffic between a group of Telnyx SIMs and other network elements. Refer to this guide for more information on PGW.

Creating a PGW

Step 1: Create a Network

Follow this guide.

Step 2: Check for Coverage

Follow this guide. Use filter[available_services][contains]=private_wireless_gateway to look for a desired site at which to deploy the WGW.

Currently, Ashburn, VA is the only supported site. We are working on making more sites available.

Step 3: Create a PGW


Once a PGW is created on a specific network, it cannot be "migrated" to another one; it needs to be recreated on the other network. Double check the correct network_id is used in the following API request.

POST /v2/private_wireless_gateways HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 115

"network_id": "f09e6854-fdef-4581-b3bc-63c2008fc4b5",
"name": "pgw-08160937",
"region_code": "ashburn-va"

It's not yet ready to be used immediately after the creation since its status is provisioning.

"data": {
"assigned_resources": [
"count": null,
"record_type": "sim_card_group"
"created_at": "2024-08-16T14:37:47Z",
"id": "2280aa63-b9b8-4d8a-867a-ff153e5ec422",
"ip_range": "",
"name": "pgw-08160937",
"network_id": "f09e6854-fdef-4581-b3bc-63c2008fc4b5",
"record_type": "private_wireless_gateway",
"region_code": "ashburn-va",
"status": {
"error_code": null,
"error_description": null,
"value": "provisioning"
"updated_at": "2024-08-16T14:37:47Z"

Step 4: Wait for Status Transition

The expected time for status.value to transition to provisioned is approximately 15 minutes. You can poll the PGW to check for status.

GET /v2/private_wireless_gateways/2280aa63-b9b8-4d8a-867a-ff153e5ec422 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer XXX

Step 5: Attach a SIM Group

The PGW is of little use when there is no SIMs are attached to it. Individual SIM must be added to a SIM group which then can be attached to the PGW. This is easily accomplished on the Mission Control Portal.

PGW will show the SIM group after a successful attachment.

"data": {
"assigned_resources": [
"count": 1,
"record_type": "sim_card_group"
"created_at": "2024-08-16T14:37:47Z",
"id": "2280aa63-b9b8-4d8a-867a-ff153e5ec422",
"ip_range": "",
"name": "pgw-08160937",
"network_id": "f09e6854-fdef-4581-b3bc-63c2008fc4b5",
"record_type": "private_wireless_gateway",
"region_code": "ashburn-va",
"status": {
"error_code": null,
"error_description": null,
"value": "provisioned"
"updated_at": "2024-08-16T15:08:15Z"

Use Cases

In the following examples, abbreviations are consistently used for brevity.

  • PWG = Private Wireless Gateway
  • WGW = Wireguard Gateway
  • IGW = Internet Gateway
  • VXC = Virtual Cross Connect

Use Case 1: PWG + WGW

We will construct this architecture which is useful when

  1. Traffic to and from SIMs needs to be segmented and private, and
  2. They do not need high bandwidth connection back to your internal service.

PWG + WGW Architecture

In the following example

  • The connected device is an iPhone.
  • It only has access to the peers attached to the WGW; there exists no default route for them.
  • Internal Service Peer is a Droplet on DigitalOcean that runs an toy Apache web server.
  • Admin Peer is a local host.

Detailed WGW and Peer setup guide can be found here.

On both peers, ensure that both the WGW subnet and the PGW subnet are on the AllowedIPs of the [Peer] config.

PublicKey = XXX
AllowedIPs =,
Endpoint = XXX
PersistentKeepalive = XXX

From the internal service peer, we can see there is a route to the iPhone.

root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-512mb-10gb-nyc1-01:~# traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max
1 21.591ms 21.000ms 20.677ms
2 * * *
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 885.269ms 179.245ms 171.923ms

From the iPhone, it has access to the internal service peer.

Connection to Apache

Use Case 2: PWG + WGW + IGW

The above architecture lacks a crucial functionality --- internet reachability. Though a workaround can be constructed by using one of the peers as an exit node for all default traffic, it's far better to attach an IGW to the network.

PWG + WGW + IGW Architecture

Follow the procedure outlined in this guide to set up an IGW on the same network.

At this point, the iPhone has internet reachability in addition to the WGW subnet and the PGW subnet.

Deice Network Stats

Deice Internet Reachability

In the above screenshots,

  • the iPhone's wifi is turned off
  • its "Default Gateway IP" is which is that of the PGW
  • its "External IP" is which is that of the IGW
  • it can ping

Roundtrip ping time is high since in this example, the PGW is in Ashburn US while the IGW is in Frankfurt DE.

Use Case 3: PWG + WGW + IGW + VXC


Currently, the PWG + WGW + IGW + VXC combination only works when WGW, IGW, and VXC are at the Frankfurt Site. We are working on expanding the coverage so it will work universally across all Telnyx sites.

In the case where the user's internal services reside in a cloud provider, the architecture can be augmented yet again.

In this case, a VXC can be attached to the network to accommodate this scenario.

In the following example, we will establish

  • a VXC from AWS eu-central-1
  • an EC2 in AWS eu-central-1 running a toy Apache server.

For detailed VXC guide on AWS and other providers, please refer to this collection of guides

PWG + WGW + IGW + VXC Architecture

In AWS's VPC, we can see the routes from Telnyx's public APIs AND the SIMs' private IP ranges are advertised and propagated.

Route Table

This is also validated by the traceroute output from within the EC2 instance. Latency is high as expected since the EC2 is in Frankfurt while the device is attached to a PGW in Ashburn.

ubuntu@ip-10-10-11-9:~$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max
1 0.916ms 1.091ms 1.079ms
2 0.911ms 0.827ms 0.816ms
3 1.398ms 1.347ms 1.338ms
4 1.833ms 1.782ms 1.769ms
5 120.938ms 120.001ms 119.756ms
6 119.999ms 119.879ms 119.924ms
7 119.758ms 119.691ms 120.006ms
8 * * *
9 119.488ms 119.552ms 119.599ms
10 120.438ms 120.072ms 119.640ms
11 274.343ms 252.264ms 246.660ms

Lastly, validate the connection from the device to EC2. Since the EC2 runs a toy Apache server, open up the HTTP port 80 for the SIM subnet.

EC2 Inbound Rule

From the iPhone, the server is clearly accessible via private IP.

iPhone to Apache


  • The monthly recurring cost (MRC) for each instance of PGW is $100.
  • Additional costs on SIM and data are applicable as well. Consult this guide for more detail.

API References