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Update a conference resource


Updates a conference resource.


Path Parameters

    account_sid stringrequired

    The id of the account the resource belongs to.

    conference_sid stringrequired

    The ConferenceSid that uniquely identifies a conference.



Update Conference request object

    Status string

    The new status of the resource. Specifying completed will end the conference and hang up all participants.

    AnnounceUrl string

    The URL we should call to announce something into the conference. The URL may return an MP3 file, a WAV file, or a TwiML document that contains <Play>, <Say>, <Pause>, or <Redirect> verbs.

    AnnounceMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    The HTTP method used to call the AnnounceUrl. Defaults to POST.


200: Conference resource.

404: Resource not found

Request samples

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"account_sid": "4e71926f-8f13-450e-b91c-23c2ef786aa6",
"api_version": "v2/texml",
"call_sid_ending_conference": null,
"date_created": "Fri, 27 Oct 2023 07:41:58 +0000",
"date_updated": "Fri, 27 Oct 2023 07:41:58 +0000",
"friendly_name": "weekly_review_call",
"reason_conference_ended": null,
"region": "dc2",
"sid": "cd5a70f4-759b-4d5e-9c06-88c00f16f3c1",
"status": "in-progress",
"subresource_uris": {
"participants": "/v2/texml/Accounts/4e71926f-8f13-450e-b91c-23c2ef786aa6/Conferences/cd5a70f4-759b-4d5e-9c06-88c00f16f3c1/Participants.json",
"recordings": "/v2/texml/Accounts/4e71926f-8f13-450e-b91c-23c2ef786aa6/Conferences/cd5a70f4-759b-4d5e-9c06-88c00f16f3c1/Recordings.json"
"uri": "/v2/texml/Accounts/4e71926f-8f13-450e-b91c-23c2ef786aa6/Conferences/cd5a70f4-759b-4d5e-9c06-88c00f16f3c1.json"