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Fetch a call


Returns an individual call identified by its CallSid. This endpoint is eventually consistent.


Path Parameters

    call_sid stringrequired

    The CallSid that identifies the call to update.

    account_sid stringrequired

    The id of the account the resource belongs to.


200: Call resource.

404: Resource not found

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"account_sid": "61bf923e-5e4d-4595-a110-56190ea18a1b",
"answered_by": null,
"caller_name": "+13122010094",
"date_created": "Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:56:45 +0000",
"date_updated": "Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:56:56 +0000",
"direction": "inbound",
"duration": "11",
"end_time": "Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:56:56 +0000",
"from": "+13123456789",
"from_formatted": "(312) 345-6789",
"price": null,
"price_unit": null,
"sid": "v3:KBnLO0ZK3DhKM5s7bE9VluaSmKsOchKht_fUYvxcp8ysbmzCCtpkmA",
"start_time": "Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:56:45 +0000",
"status": "completed",
"to": "+13987654321",
"to_formatted": "(398) 765-4321",
"uri": "/v2/texml/Accounts/61bf923e-5e4d-4595-a110-56190ea18a1b/Calls/v3:KBnLO0ZK3DhKM5s7bE9VluaSmKsOchKht_fUYvxcp8ysbmzCCtpkmA.json"