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Dial a new conference participant


Dials a new conference participant


Path Parameters

    account_sid stringrequired

    The id of the account the resource belongs to.

    conference_sid stringrequired

    The ConferenceSid that uniquely identifies a conference.



Dial Conference Participant request object

    Beep string

    Possible values: [true, false, onEnter, onExit]

    Whether to play a notification beep to the conference when the participant enters and exits.

    StatusCallback string

    URL destination for Telnyx to send status callback events to for the call.

    StatusCallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    HTTP request type used for StatusCallback.

    StatusCallbackEvent string

    The changes to the call's state that should generate a call to StatusCallback. Can be: initiated, ringing, answered, and completed. Separate multiple values with a space. The default value is completed.

    To string

    The phone number of the called party. Phone numbers are formatted with a + and country code.

    From string

    The phone number of the party that initiated the call. Phone numbers are formatted with a + and country code.

    Timeout integer

    The number of seconds that we should allow the phone to ring before assuming there is no answer. Can be an integer between 5 and 120, inclusive. The default value is 30.

    Muted boolean

    Whether the participant should be muted.

    StartConferenceOnEnter boolean

    Whether to start the conference when the participant enters. Defaults to true.

    EndConferenceOnExit boolean

    Whether to end the conference when the participant leaves. Defaults to false.

    EarlyMedia boolean

    Whether participant shall be bridged to conference before the participant answers (from early media if available). Defaults to false.

    ConferenceStatusCallback string

    The URL the conference callbacks will be sent to.

    ConferenceStatusCallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    HTTP request type used for ConferenceStatusCallback. Defaults to POST.

    ConferenceStatusCallbackEvent string

    The changes to the conference's state that should generate a call to ConferenceStatusCallback. Can be: start, end, join and leave. Separate multiple values with a space. By default no callbacks are sent.

    WaitUrl string

    The URL to call for an audio file to play while the participant is waiting for the conference to start.

    MaxParticipants integer

    The maximum number of participants in the conference. Can be a positive integer from 2 to 800. The default value is 250.

    Coaching boolean

    Whether the participant is coaching another call. When true, CallSidToCoach has to be given.

    CallSidToCoach string

    The SID of the participant who is being coached. The participant being coached is the only participant who can hear the participant who is coaching.

    CallerId string

    To be used as the caller id name (SIP From Display Name) presented to the destination (To number). The string should have a maximum of 128 characters, containing only letters, numbers, spaces, and -_~!.+ special characters. If ommited, the display name will be the same as the number in the From field.

    TimeLimit integer

    The maximum duration of the call in seconds.

    MachineDetection string

    Possible values: [Enable, DetectMessageEnd]

    Whether to detect if a human or an answering machine picked up the call. Use Enable if you would like to ne notified as soon as the called party is identified. Use DetectMessageEnd, if you would like to leave a message on an answering machine.

    MachineDetectionTimeout integer

    How long answering machine detection should go on for before sending an Unknown result. Given in milliseconds.

    MachineDetectionSpeechThreshold integer

    Default value: 3500

    Maximum threshold of a human greeting. If greeting longer than this value, considered machine. Ignored when premium detection is used.

    MachineDetectionSpeechEndThreshold integer

    Default value: 800

    Silence duration threshold after a greeting message or voice for it be considered human. Ignored when premium detection is used.

    MachineDetectionSilenceTimeout integer

    Default value: 3500

    If initial silence duration is greater than this value, consider it a machine. Ignored when premium detection is used.

    AmdStatusCallback string

    The URL the result of answering machine detection will be sent to.

    AmdStatusCallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    HTTP request type used for AmdStatusCallback. Defaults to POST.

    CancelPlaybackOnMachineDetection boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to cancel ongoing playback on machine detection. Defaults to true.

    CancelPlaybackOnDetectMessageEnd boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether to cancel ongoing playback on greeting ended detection. Defaults to true.

    PreferredCodecs string

    The list of comma-separated codecs to be offered on a call.

    Record boolean

    Whether to record the entire participant's call leg. Defaults to false.

    RecordingChannels string

    Possible values: [mono, dual]

    The number of channels in the final recording. Defaults to mono.

    RecordingStatusCallback string

    The URL the recording callbacks will be sent to.

    RecordingStatusCallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    HTTP request type used for RecordingStatusCallback. Defaults to POST.

    RecordingStatusCallbackEvent string

    The changes to the recording's state that should generate a call to RecoridngStatusCallback. Can be: in-progress, completed and absent. Separate multiple values with a space. Defaults to completed.

    RecordingTrack string

    Possible values: [inbound, outbound, both]

    The audio track to record for the call. The default is both.

    SipAuthPassword string

    The password to use for SIP authentication.

    SipAuthUsername string

    The username to use for SIP authentication.

    Trim string

    Possible values: [trim-silence, do-not-trim]

    Whether to trim any leading and trailing silence from the recording. Defaults to trim-silence.

    ConferenceRecord string

    Possible values: [true, false, record-from-start, do-not-record]

    Whether to record the conference the participant is joining. Defualts to do-not-record. The boolean values true and false are synonymous with record-from-start and do-not-record respectively.

    ConferenceRecordingStatusCallback string

    The URL the conference recording callbacks will be sent to.

    ConferenceRecordingStatusCallbackMethod string

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    HTTP request type used for ConferenceRecordingStatusCallback. Defaults to POST.

    ConferenceRecordingStatusCallbackEvent string

    The changes to the conference recording's state that should generate a call to RecoridngStatusCallback. Can be: in-progress, completed and absent. Separate multiple values with a space. Defaults to completed. failed and absent are synonymous.

    ConferenceRecordingTimeout integer

    Default value: 0

    The number of seconds that Telnyx will wait for the recording to be stopped if silence is detected. The timer only starts when the speech is detected. Please note that the transcription is used to detect silence and the related charge will be applied. The minimum value is 0. The default value is 0 (infinite)

    ConferenceTrim string

    Possible values: [trim-silence, do-not-trim]

    Whether to trim any leading and trailing silence from the conference recording. Defaults to trim-silence.


200: New participant resource.

404: Resource not found

Request samples

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"account_sid": "4e71926f-8f13-450e-b91c-23c2ef786aa6",
"call_sid": "v3:9X2vxPDFY2RHSJ1EdMS0RHRksMTg7ldNxdjWbVr9zBjbGjGsSe-aiQ",
"coaching": false,
"coaching_call_sid": null,
"conference_sid": "cd5a70f4-759b-4d5e-9c06-88c00f16f3c1",
"end_conference_on_exit": false,
"hold": false,
"muted": false,
"status": "completed",
"uri": "/v2/texml/Accounts/4e71926f-8f13-450e-b91c-23c2ef786aa6/Conferences/cd5a70f4-759b-4d5e-9c06-88c00f16f3c1/Participants/v3:9X2vxPDFY2RHSJ1EdMS0RHRksMTg7ldNxdjWbVr9zBjbGjGsSe-aiQ.json"