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List conference resources


Lists conference resources.


Path Parameters

    account_sid stringrequired

    The id of the account the resource belongs to.

Query Parameters

    Page integer

    The number of the page to be displayed, zero-indexed, should be used in conjuction with PageToken.

    Example: 1
    PageSize integer

    The number of records to be displayed on a page

    Example: 10
    PageToken string

    Used to request the next page of results.

    FriendlyName string

    Filters conferences by their friendly name.

    Example: weekly_review_call
    Status string

    Possible values: [init, in-progress, completed]

    Filters conferences by status.

    Example: in-progress
    DateCreated string

    Filters conferences by the creation date. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD. Also accepts inequality operators, e.g. DateCreated>=2023-05-22.

    Example: >=2023-05-22
    DateUpdated string

    Filters conferences by the time they were last updated. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD. Also accepts inequality operators, e.g. DateUpdated>=2023-05-22.

    Example: >=2023-05-22


200: Multiple conference resources.

404: Resource not found

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"conferences": [],
"end": 0,
"first_page_uri": "/v2/texml/Accounts/61bf923e-5e4d-4595-a110-56190ea18a1b/Conferences.json?Page=0&PageSize=1",
"next_page_uri": "/v2/texml/Accounts/61bf923e-5e4d-4595-a110-56190ea18a1b/Conferences.json?Page=1&PageSize=1&PageToken=MTY4AjgyNDkwNzIxMQ",
"page": 0,
"page_size": 1,
"start": 0,
"uri": "/v2/texml/Accounts/61bf923e-5e4d-4595-a110-56190ea18a1b/Conferences.json?Page=0&PageSize=1"