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Request recording for a call


Starts recording with specified parameters for call idientified by call_sid.


Path Parameters

    account_sid stringrequired

    The id of the account the resource belongs to.

    call_sid stringrequired

    The CallSid that identifies the call to update.


Starts call recording on a call.

    PlayBeep PlayBeep (boolean)

    Default value: true

    Whether to play a beep when recording is started.

    RecordingStatusCallbackEvent RecordingStatusCallbackEvent (string)

    The changes to the recording's state that should generate a call to RecoridngStatusCallback. Can be: in-progress, completed and absent. Separate multiple values with a space. Defaults to completed.

    RecordingStatusCallback uri

    Url where status callbacks will be sent.

    RecordingStatusCallbackMethod TexmlStatusCallbackMethod (string)

    Possible values: [GET, POST]

    Default value: POST

    HTTP method used to send status callbacks.

    RecordingChannels TexmlRecordingChannels (string)

    Possible values: [mono, dual]

    Default value: dual

    When dual, final audio file has the first leg on channel A, and the rest on channel B. mono mixes both tracks into a single channel.

    RecordingTrack RecordingTrack (string)

    Possible values: [inbound, outbound, both]

    The audio track to record for the call. The default is both.


200: Successful call recording create response

404: Resource not found
