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iOS Push Notification Setup

Push Notification App Setup

VoIP Push - App Setup

The following setup is required in your application to receive Telnyx VoIP push notifications:

a. Add Push Notifications capability to your Xcode project

  1. Open the xcode workspace associated with your app.
  2. In the Project Navigator (the left-hand menu), select the project icon that represents your mobile app.
  3. In the top-left corner of the right-hand pane in Xcode, select your app's target.
  4. Press the +Capabilities button.

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  1. Enable Push Notifications

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b. Configure PushKit into your app:

  1. Import pushkit
import PushKit
  1. Initialize PushKit:
private var pushRegistry = PKPushRegistry.init(queue: DispatchQueue.main)

func initPushKit() {
pushRegistry.delegate = self
pushRegistry.desiredPushTypes = Set([.voIP])
  1. Implement PKPushRegistryDelegate
extension AppDelegate: PKPushRegistryDelegate {

// New push notification token assigned by APNS.
func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate credentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) {
if (type == .voIP) {
// This push notification token has to be sent to Telnyx when connecting the Client.
let deviceToken = credentials.token.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%02X", $1) })
UserDefaults.standard.savePushToken(pushToken: deviceToken)

func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didInvalidatePushTokenFor type: PKPushType) {
if (type == .voIP) {
// Delete incoming token in user defaults
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.init()

This delegate method is available on iOS 11 and above.
func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType, completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
if (payload.type == .voIP) {
self.handleVoIPPushNotification(payload: payload)

if let version = Float(UIDevice.current.systemVersion), version >= 13.0 {

func handleVoIPPushNotification(payload: PKPushPayload) {
if let metadata = payload.dictionaryPayload["metadata"] as? [String: Any] {

let callId = metadata["call_id"] as? String
let callerName = (metadata["caller_name"] as? String) ?? ""
let callerNumber = (metadata["caller_number"] as? String) ?? ""
let caller = callerName.isEmpty ? (callerNumber.isEmpty ? "Unknown" : callerNumber) : callerName

let uuid = UUID(uuidString: callId)

// Re-connect the client and process the push notification when is received.
// You will need to use the credentials of the same user that is receiving the call.
let txConfig = TxConfig(sipUser: sipUser,
password: password,
pushDeviceToken: "APNS_PUSH_TOKEN")

//Call processVoIPNotification method

try telnyxClient?.processVoIPNotification(txConfig: txConfig, serverConfiguration: serverConfig,pushMetaData: metadata)

// Report the incoming call to CallKit framework.
let callHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: from)
let callUpdate = CXCallUpdate()
callUpdate.remoteHandle = callHandle
callUpdate.hasVideo = false

provider.reportNewIncomingCall(with: uuid, update: callUpdate) { error in
if let error = error {
print("AppDelegate:: Failed to report incoming call: \(error.localizedDescription).")
} else {
print("AppDelegate:: Incoming call successfully reported.")
  1. If everything is correctly set-up when the app runs APNS should assign a Push Token.
  2. In order to receive VoIP push notifications. You will need to send your push token when connecting to the Telnyx Client.
let txConfig = TxConfig(sipUser: sipUser,
password: password,
pushDeviceToken: "DEVICE_APNS_TOKEN",
//You can choose the appropriate verbosity level of the SDK.
logLevel: .all)

// Or use a JWT Telnyx Token to authenticate
let txConfigToken = TxConfig(token: "MY_JWT_TELNYX_TOKEN",
pushDeviceToken: "DEVICE_APNS_TOKEN",
//You can choose the appropriate verbosity level of the SDK. Logs are disabled by default
logLevel: .all)

For more information about Pushkit you can check the official Apple docs.


  • You will need to login at least once to send your device token to Telnyx before start getting Push notifications.
  • You will need to provide pushMetaData to processVoIPNotification() to get Push calls to work.
  • You will need to implement 'CallKit' to report an incoming call when there’s a VoIP push notification. On iOS 13.0 and later, if you fail to report a call to CallKit, the system will terminate your app. More information on Apple docs

Disable Push Notification

Push notifications can be disabled for the current user by calling :


Note : Signing back in, using same credentials will re-enable push notifications.