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WebRTC iOS Client



public class TxClient

The TelnyxRTC client connects your application to the Telnyx backend, enabling you to make outgoing calls and handle incoming calls.


Connect and login:

// Initialize the client
let telnyxClient = TxClient()

// Register to get SDK events
telnyxClient.delegate = self

// Setup yor connection parameters.

// Set the login credentials and the ringtone/ringback configurations if required.
// Ringtone / ringback tone files are not mandatory.
// You can user your sipUser and password
let txConfigUserAndPassowrd = TxConfig(sipUser: sipUser,
password: password,
ringtone: "incoming_call.mp3",
ringBackTone: "ringback_tone.mp3",
//You can choose the appropriate verbosity level of the SDK.
//Logs are disabled by default
logLevel: .all)

// Use a JWT Telnyx Token to authenticate (recommended)
let txConfigToken = TxConfig(token: "MY_JWT_TELNYX_TOKEN",
ringtone: "incoming_call.mp3",
ringBackTone: "ringback_tone.mp3",
//You can choose the appropriate verbosity level of the SDK. Logs are disabled by default
logLevel: .all)

do {
// Connect and login
// Use `txConfigUserAndPassowrd` or `txConfigToken`
try telnyxClient.connect(txConfig: txConfigToken)
} catch let error {
print("ViewController:: connect Error \(error)")

// You can call client.disconnect() when you're done.
Note: you need to relese the delegate manually when you are done.

// Disconnecting and Removing listeners.

// Release the delegate
telnyxClient.delegate = nil

Listen TxClient delegate events.

extension ViewController: TxClientDelegate {

func onRemoteCallEnded(callId: UUID) {
// Call has been removed internally.

func onSocketConnected() {
// When the client has successfully connected to the Telnyx Backend.

func onSocketDisconnected() {
// When the client from the Telnyx backend

func onClientError(error: Error) {
// Something went wrong.

func onClientReady() {
// You can start receiving incoming calls or
// start making calls once the client was fully initialized.

func onSessionUpdated(sessionId: String) {
// This function will be executed when a sessionId is received.

func onIncomingCall(call: Call) {
// Someone is calling you.

// You can update your UI from here base on the call states.
// Check that the callId is the same as your current call.
func onCallStateUpdated(callState: CallState, callId: UUID) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch (callState) {
case .RINGING:
case .NEW:
case .ACTIVE:
case .DONE:
case .HELD:



public internal(set) var calls: [UUID: Call] = [UUID: Call]()

Keeps track of all the created calls by theirs UUIDs


public weak var delegate: TxClientDelegate?

Subscribe to TxClient delegate to receive Telnyx SDK events


public private(set) var isSpeakerEnabled: Bool


public var isAudioDeviceEnabled : Bool

Controls the audio device state when using CallKit integration. This property manages the WebRTC audio session activation and deactivation.

When implementing CallKit, you must manually handle the audio session state:

  • Set to true in provider(_:didActivate:) to enable audio
  • Set to false in provider(_:didDeactivate:) to disable audio

Example usage with CallKit:

extension CallKitProvider: CXProviderDelegate {
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didActivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
telnyxClient.isAudioDeviceEnabled = true

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didDeactivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
telnyxClient.isAudioDeviceEnabled = false


public var isRegistered: Bool

Client must be registered in order to receive or place calls.



public func enableAudioSession(audioSession: AVAudioSession)

Enables and configures the audio session for a call. This method sets up the appropriate audio configuration and activates the session.

  • Parameter audioSession: The AVAudioSession instance to configure
  • Important: This method MUST be called from the CXProviderDelegate's provider(_:didActivate:) callback to properly handle audio routing when using CallKit integration.

Example usage:

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didActivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
self.telnyxClient.enableAudioSession(audioSession: audioSession)


audioSessionThe AVAudioSession instance to configure


public func disableAudioSession(audioSession: AVAudioSession)

Disables and resets the audio session. This method cleans up the audio configuration and deactivates the session.

  • Parameter audioSession: The AVAudioSession instance to reset
  • Important: This method MUST be called from the CXProviderDelegate's provider(_:didDeactivate:) callback to properly clean up audio resources when using CallKit integration.

Example usage:

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didDeactivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
self.telnyxClient.disableAudioSession(audioSession: audioSession)


audioSessionThe AVAudioSession instance to reset


public init()

TxClient has to be instantiated.


public func connect(txConfig: TxConfig, serverConfiguration: TxServerConfiguration = TxServerConfiguration()) throws

Connects to the iOS cloglient to the Telnyx signaling server using the desired login credentials.

  • Parameters:
    • txConfig: The desired login credentials. See TxConfig docummentation for more information.
    • serverConfiguration: (Optional) To define a custom signaling server and TURN/ STUN servers. As default we use the internal Telnyx Production servers.
  • Throws: TxConfig parameters errors


txConfigThe desired login credentials. See TxConfig docummentation for more information.
serverConfiguration(Optional) To define a custom signaling server and TURN/ STUN servers. As default we use the internal Telnyx Production servers.


public func disconnect()

Disconnects the TxClient from the Telnyx signaling server.


public func isConnected() -> Bool

To check if TxClient is connected to Telnyx server.

  • Returns: true if TxClient socket is connected, false otherwise.


public func answerFromCallkit(answerAction:CXAnswerCallAction,customHeaders:[String:String] = [:])

To answer and control callKit active flow

  • Parameters:
    • answerAction : CXAnswerCallAction from callKit
    • customHeaders: (Optional)


answerActionCXAnswerCallAction from callKit


public func endCallFromCallkit(endAction:CXEndCallAction,callId:UUID? = nil)

To end and control callKit active and conn


public func disablePushNotifications()

To disable push notifications for the current user


public func getSessionId() -> String

Get the current session ID after logging into Telnyx Backend.

  • Returns: The current sessionId. If this value is empty, that means that the client is not connected to Telnyx server.