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WebRTC Voice SDKs Commonalities


The following means of authentications are offered

Consult the linked guides on to the specific how-to guides.

Dialing Registered Clients

Method of AuthenticationDialing registered clients with Examples
Basic credential based SIP connectionSIP user name on the connection
Basic credential based SIP connectionPhone number on the connection+13128889999
Telephony credentialSIP user name on the telephony credential
JWTSIP user name on the parent telephony credential

Multi-client Registration Behavior

It’s recommended that the user sticks to one method of authentication and not mix and match unless there is a compelling use case for it.

Here is an example to illustrate —

Credential based SIP connection with SIP username john1234. Attached to this connections are:

  • Telephony credential, gencred1
    • JWT, token1_1
  • Telephony credential, gencred2
    • JWT, token2_1
    • JWT, token2_2

Respective registrations are:

  • client_a is registered with john1234
  • client_b is registered with gencred1
  • client_c is registered with token1_1
  • client_d is registered with gencred2
  • client_e is registered with token2_1
  • client_f is registered with token2_2
Dialing…Which client gets rung…
gencred1@sip.telnyx.comIndeterminate; the last client to register between client_b and client_c.
gencred2@sip.telnyx.comIndeterminate; the last client to register between client_d, client_e and client_f.


WebRTC call legs are billed at $0.002/minute.

Other voice legs and add on features are charged separately and independently according to the user’s price plan.