WebRTC Android Call
Telnyx Call
Class that represents a Call and handles all call related actions, including answering and ending a call.
Creating a call invitation
In order to make a call invitation, you need to provide your callerName, callerNumber, the destinationNumber (or SIP credential), and your clientState (any String value).
telnyxClient.call.newInvite(callerName, callerNumber, destinationNumber, clientState)
Accepting a call
In order to be able to accept a call, we first need to listen for invitations. We do this by getting the Telnyx Socket Response as LiveData:
fun getSocketResponse(): LiveData<SocketResponse<ReceivedMessageBody>>? =
We can then use this method to create a listener that listens for an invitation - in this example we assume getSocketResponse is a method within a ViewModel.
?.observe(this, object : SocketObserver<ReceivedMessageBody>() {
override fun onConnectionEstablished() {
// Handle a succesfully established connection
override fun onMessageReceived(data: ReceivedMessageBody?) {
when (data?.method) {
SocketMethod.CLIENT_READY.methodName -> {
// Fires once client has correctly been setup and logged into, you can now make calls.
SocketMethod.LOGIN.methodName -> {
// Handle a successful login - Update UI or Navigate to new screen, etc.
SocketMethod.INVITE.methodName -> {
// Handle an invitation Update UI or Navigate to new screen, etc.
// Then, through an answer button of some kind we can accept the call with:
val inviteResponse = data.result as InviteResponse
mainViewModel.acceptCall(inviteResponse.callId, inviteResponse.callerIdNumber)
SocketMethod.ANSWER.methodName -> {
//Handle a received call answer - Update UI or Navigate to new screen, etc.
SocketMethod.BYE.methodName -> {
// Handle a call rejection or ending - Update UI or Navigate to new screen, etc.
SocketMethod.RINGING.methodName -> {
// Client Can simulate ringing state
SocketMethod.RINGING.methodName -> {
// Ringback tone is streamed to the caller
// early Media - Client Can simulate ringing state
override fun onLoading() {
// Show loading dialog
override fun onError(message: String?) {
// Handle errors - Update UI or Navigate to new screen, etc.
override fun onSocketDisconnect() {
// Handle disconnect - Update UI or Navigate to login screen, etc.
When we receive a call we will receive an InviteResponse data class that contains the details we need to accept the call. We can then call the acceptCall method in TelnyxClient from our ViewModel:
Handling Multiple Calls
The Telnyx WebRTC SDK allows for multiple calls to be handled at once. You can use the callId to differentiate the calls..
import java.util.UUID
// Retrieve all calls from the TelnyxClient
val calls: Map<UUID,Call> = telnyxClient.calls
// Retrieve a specific call by callId
val currentCall: Call? = calls[callId]
With the current call object, you can perform actions such as:
- Hold/UnHold
currentCall.onHoldUnholdPressed(callId: UUID)
- Mute/UnMute
- AcceptCall
- EndCall
currentCall.endCall(callId: UUID)