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WebRTC Android Client

Telnyx Client

NOTE: Remember to add and handle INTERNET, RECORD_AUDIO and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions


To initialize the TelnyxClient you will have to provide the application context.

  telnyxClient = TelnyxClient(context)


Once an instance is created, you can call the one of two available .connect(....) method to connect to the socket.

fun connect(
providedServerConfig: TxServerConfiguration = TxServerConfiguration(),
credentialConfig: CredentialConfig,
txPushMetaData: String? = null,
autoLogin: Boolean = true,

Connects to the socket by credential and using this client as the listener. Will respond with 'No Network Connection' if there is no network available Parameters:

  • providedServerConfig, the TxServerConfiguration used to connect to the socket
  • txPushMetaData, the push metadata used to connect to a call from push (Get this from push notification - fcm data payload) required fot push calls to work
  • credentialConfig, represents a SIP user for login - credential based
  • autoLogin, if true, the SDK will automatically log in with the provided credentials on connection established. We recommend setting this to true.
fun connect(
providedServerConfig: TxServerConfiguration = TxServerConfiguration(),
tokenConfig: TokenConfig,
txPushMetaData: String? = null,
autoLogin: Boolean = true,

Connects to the socket by token and using this client as the listener. Will respond with 'No Network Connection' if there is no network available

  • providedServerConfig, the TxServerConfiguration used to connect to the socket
  • txPushMetaData, the push metadata used to connect to a call from push (Get this from push notification - fcm data payload) required fot push calls to work
  • tokenConfig, represents a SIP user for login - token based
  • autoLogin, if true, the SDK will automatically log in with the provided credentials on connection established. We recommend setting this to true.

Note: tokenConfig and credentialConfig are data classes that represent login settings for the client to use. They belong to TelnyxConfig and can be found in Data part.

Listening for events and reacting

We need to react for a socket connection state or incoming calls. We do this by getting the Telnyx Socket Response callbacks from our TelnyxClient.

fun getSocketResponse(): LiveData<SocketResponse<ReceivedMessageBody>> = socketResponseLiveData

Returns the socket response in the form of LiveData. The format of each message is provided in SocketResponse and ReceivedMessageBody.

  • @see [SocketResponse]
  • @see [ReceivedMessageBody]

Response can be observed by implementation of abstract class SocketObserver. In onMessageReceived we will receive objects of ReceivedMessageBody class.

abstract class SocketObserver<T> : Observer<SocketResponse<T>> {

abstract fun onConnectionEstablished()
abstract fun onMessageReceived(data: T?)
abstract fun onLoading()
abstract fun onError(message: String?)
abstract fun onSocketDisconnect()

override fun onChanged(value: SocketResponse<T>) {
when (value.status) {
SocketStatus.ESTABLISHED -> onConnectionEstablished()
SocketStatus.MESSAGERECEIVED -> onMessageReceived(
SocketStatus.LOADING -> onLoading()
SocketStatus.ERROR -> onError(value.errorMessage)
SocketStatus.DISCONNECT -> onSocketDisconnect()