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Presigned URLs


We do NOT follow how AWS does authentication — hence, you MUST NOT use the existing AWS SDK or CLI to generate presigned URLs. Otherwise, you will expose your API key to the public.

Please use the JSON companion API to generate ephemeral presigned URLs to allow anonymous downloads and uploads of objects to your bucket(s).

In addition, creating long-lived presigned URL is a privileged action. Non-verified accounts are limited to presigned URLs with TTL no greater than 5 minutes.

To verify your account, request and obtain Level 2 verification status.


Considering 8f0nh1jk8qvf as an example of a presigned URL token, you can perform the following actions:

Downloading an object using a presigned URL

curl -o my-object.bin\?X-AMZ-Security-Token\=8f0nh1jk8qvf

Uploading an object using a presigned URL

curl -X PUT -F "file=@a-new-object.bin"\?X-AMZ-Security-Token\=8f0nh1jk8qvf

where a-new-object.bin is the file you want to upload in my-bucket. If the object already exists, it will be overwritten.