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Voice SDK Authentication via Telephony Credentials


  • An active credential based SIP connection

Create a Credential

The following API request will create a telephony credential.

POST /v2/telephony_credentials HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 75

"connection_id": "1567510696929005999",
"expires_at": "2024-09-18T00:00:00",
"name": "contact-center-1",
"tag": "sandbox"
  • connection_id is required
  • expires_at is recommended for security especially when many are expected to be created
  • name and tag are recommended for easy management

Multiple telephony credentials can be created on a single connection.

Updating a Credential

After a credential's creation, it may be updated via the PATCH endpoint.

PATCH /v2/telephony_credentials/:id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 83

"expires_at": "2024-09-11T21:07:00"

The following error will be returned when trying to perform updates on an expired credential since that state is terminal.

"errors": {
"status": "can't update credentials in expired status"

An expired credential can only be deleted.

Revoking a Credential

A client-side application’s voice capabilities can be revoked by removing the corresponding credential.

DELETE /v2/telephony_credentials/:id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX

Managing Credentials

The following filters are useful when managing many credentials.

  • filter[resource_id] e.g. filter[resource_id]=connection:1567510696929005999. Note that connection: must be prepended to the connection ID.
  • filter[status] e.g. filter[status]=expired
  • filter[status] e.g. filter[tag]=sandbox
GET /v2/telephony_credentials?filter[status]=expired&filter[tag]=sandbox HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer XXX

SDK Authentication

SDKs are authenticated with

  • sip_username which starts with gencred
  • sip_password


Currently, there exists

  • No limit on count of telephony credentials on a connection,
  • Nor any limit on the aggregate count of telephony credentials on a single account.

Additional Resources