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Flutter WebRTC SDK Socket Error Handler


The onSocketErrorReceived event handler is called when an error is received from the WebSocket connection.

typedef OnSocketErrorReceived = void Function(TelnyxSocketError message);


This class is used to represent an error received from the Telnyx Socket. It contains an errorCode which is an integer representing the error code and an errorMessage which is a string representing the error message.

class TelnyxSocketError {
int errorCode = 0;
String errorMessage = '';

TelnyxSocketError({required this.errorCode, required this.errorMessage});

TelnyxSocketError.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
errorCode = json['code'] ?? 0;
errorMessage = json['message'] ?? '';

Error Codes

The error code can be one of the following:

class TelnyxErrorConstants {
static const tokenError = 'Token registration error';
static const tokenErrorCode = -32000;
static const credentialError = 'Credential registration error';
static const credentialErrorCode = -32001;
static const gatewayTimeoutError = 'Gateway registration timeout';
static const gatewayTimeoutErrorCode = -32003;
static const gatewayFailedError = 'Gateway registration failed';
static const gatewayFailedErrorCode = -32004;
static const callNotFound = 'Call not found';