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WebRTC Flutter Call


The Call class is used to manage the call state and call actions. It is used to accept, decline, end, mute, hold, and send DTMF tones during a call.

Accept Call

In order to accept a call, we simply retrieve the instance of the call and use the .acceptCall(callID) method:;

Decline / End Call

In order to end a call, we can get a stored instance of Call and call the .endCall(callID) method. To decline an incoming call we first create the call with the .createCall() method and then call the .endCall(callID) method:

    if (_ongoingCall) {;
} else {

DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency)

In order to send a DTMF message while on a call you can call the .dtmf(callID, tone), method where tone is a String value of the character you would like pressed:, tone);

Mute a call

To mute a call, you can simply call the .onMuteUnmutePressed() method:;

Toggle loud speaker

To toggle loud speaker, you can simply call .enableSpeakerPhone(bool):;

Put a call on hold

To put a call on hold, you can simply call the .onHoldUnholdPressed() method:;