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Media Streaming over Websockets

Media Streaming provides instant access to your raw call media. With it, you can deliver exceptional customer experiences—from unlocking new insights through sentiment analysis to providing fast resolutions using AI solutions.

When your call is established, Telnyx takes the call media and forks it, so recipients receive the call simultaneously. The Telnyx network ensures that call media can be duplicated, delivered, analyzed, and returned in real-time. The secondary delivery recipient never occupies the call stream, so you never have to worry about degraded quality or dropped connections.

This guide covers how to set up media streaming over Websockets.

Requesting streaming using Dial Command

The requesting dial command can be extended in the following way to request streaming using WebSockets:

curl -X POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
--data '{
"connection_id": "uuid",
"to": "+18005550199",
"from": "+18005550100",
"stream_url": "wss://",
“stream_track”:”inbound_track|outbound_track|both_tracks”}' \

The following additional attributes need to be added to the request:

  • stream_url - the destination address when the stream is going to be delivered
  • stream_track - specifies which track should be streamed, with possible options:
    • inbound_track (default)
    • outbound_track
    • both_tracks

As a response, a regular confirmation is sent:

"data": {
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQ",
"call_leg_id": "2dc6fc34-f9e0-11ea-b68e-02420a0f7768",
"call_session_id": "2dc1b3c8-f9e0-11ea-bc5a-02420a0f7768",
"is_alive": false,
"record_type": "call"

Requesting streaming using Answer Command

Using the same attributes as above, streaming can be requested while answering the call:

curl -X POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
--data '{
"stream_url": "wss://",
"stream_track":"inbound_track|outbound_track|both_tracks”}' \{call_control_id}/actions/answer

In this case, confirmation that the call has been answered includes streaming details:

"data": {
"event_type": "call.answered",
"id": "0ccc7b54-4df3-4bca-a65a-3da1ecc777f0",
"occurred_at": "2018-02-02T22:25:27.521992Z",
"payload": {
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQ",
"call_leg_id": "428c31b6-7af4-4bcb-b7f5-5013ef9657c1",
"call_session_id": "428c31b6-abf3-3bc1-b7f4-5013ef9657c1",
"client_state": "aGF2ZSBhIG5pY2UgZGF5ID1d",
"connection_id": "7267xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"from": "+35319605860",
"state": "answered",
"stream_url": "wss://",
"to": "+13129457420"
"record_type": "event"

Streaming process flow

When the WebSocket connection is established, the following event is being sent:

"event": "connected",
"version": "1.0.0"

Before the stream begins, the streaming.started webhook is sent:

"data": {
"event_type": "streaming.started",
"id": "0ccc7b54-4df3-4bca-a65a-3da1ecc777f0",
"occurred_at": "2018-02-02T22:25:27.521992Z",
"payload": {
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQ",
"stream_url": "wss://"
"record_type": "event"

An event over WebSockets which contains information about the encoding mediaFormat section and stream_id that identifies a particular stream:

"event": "start",
"sequence_number": "1",
"start": {
"user_id": "3E6F995F-85F7-4705-9741-53B116D28237",
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQ",
"call_session_id": "ff55a038-6f5d-11ef-9692-02420aeffb1f",
"from": "+13122010094",
"to": "+13122123456",
"tags": ["TAG1", "TAG2"],
"client_state": "aGF2ZSBhIG5pY2UgZGF5ID1d",
"media_format": {
"encoding": "PCMU",
"sample_rate": 8000,
"channels": 1
"stream_id": "32DE0DEA-53CB-4B21-89A4-9E1819C043BC"

The following media events follow the start event:

"event": "media",
"sequence_number": "4",
"media": {
"track": "inbound/outbound",
"chunk": "2",
"timestamp": "5",
"payload": "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"
"stream_id": "32DE0DEA-53CB-4B21-89A4-9E1819C043BC"

The payload contains a base64-encoded RTP payload (no headers).

Please note that the order of events is not guaranteed and the chunk number can be used to reorder the events.

When the call ends, the streaming.stopped webhook is sent:

"data": {
"event_type": "streaming.stopped",
"id": "0ccc7b54-4df3-4bca-a65a-3da1ecc777f0",
"occurred_at": "2018-02-02T22:25:27.521992Z",
"payload": {
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQ",
"stream_url": "wss://"
"record_type": "event"

And the stop event over WebSockets connection is sent:

"event": "stop",
"sequence_number": "5",
"stop": {
"user_id": "3E6F995F-85F7-4705-9741-53B116D28237",
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQ"
"stream_id": "32DE0DEA-53CB-4B21-89A4-9E1819C043BC"

Please note that currently only one streaming/fork operation is supported per call. In case of requesting media forking the WebSocket stream will be stopped and replaced by an RTP connection.

Bidirectional media streaming

Sending RTP stream

The RTP stream can be sent to the call using websocket. The functionality can be enabled by setting stream_bidirectional_mode to rtp. For dial command it should look as follows:

curl -X POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
--data '{
"connection_id": "uuid",
"to": "+18005550199",
"from": "+18005550100",
"stream_url": "wss://",
"stream_bidirectional_mode":"rtp" \

It can be requested using answer and streaming_start commands in the same way.

The RTP streaming can be sent using media events:

"event": "media",
"media": {
"payload": "your base64 encoded RTP stream"

Provided chunks of audio can be in a size of 20 milliseconds to 30 seconds.

Please be aware that the number of bidirectional RTP streams per call is limited to 1.

RTP stream codec

There are the following codecs supported by bidirectional streaming:

  • PCMU, 8 kHz (default)
  • PCMA, 8 kHz
  • G722, 8 kHz
  • OPUS, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
  • AMR-WB, 8 kHz, 16 kHz

NOTE: When the audio is sent using a different encoding than on the call, it will be transcoded, which may cause a degradation in quality.

The codec can be set when the streaming start is requested. For dial command, it looks as follows:

curl -X POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
--data '{
"connection_id": "uuid",
"to": "+18005550199",
"from": "+18005550100",
"stream_url": "wss://",
"stream_bidirectional_mode": "rtp",
"stream_bidirectional_codec": "PCMU|PCMA|G722" \

Sending media files

Media files can also be sent back to the call through the websocket. This is done similarly to the playback_start command when using a base64 encoded mp3 file in the payload. Send a packet to the websocket connection as follows:

"event": "media",
"media": {
"payload" : "your base64 encoded mp3 file"

The payload, which is a base64-encoded mp3 file, will be played on the call. Multiple media messages will be queued and played in the order they were submitted.

Some limitations to be aware of:

  • Media payloads can only be submitted once per second.
  • Media must be base64 encoded mp3.

Clear message

Sending a clear message will immediately stop the media playing on the stream and clear the media queue.

"event": "clear"

Mark message

Mark messages can be used to keep track of media ending on the stream:

  • You can send a mark message to the stream after a media message.
  • When the media immediately preceding the mark finishes you will receive the same mark back.

Example mark message sent to the stream:

"event": "mark",
"mark": {
"name": "some_mark_name"

Example mark message received from the stream:

"event": "mark",
"stream_id": "32DE0DEA-53CB-4B21-89A4-9E1819C043BC",
"sequence_number": "5",
"mark": {
"name": "some_mark_name"

Submitting marks when no audio is played or queued will result in them being immediately sent back. Similarly, the clear message will also result in all queued marks being sent back.

DTMF message

In case of DTMF events on the call, the following message will be sent over websocket:

"event": "dtmf",
"stream_id": "32DE0DEA-53CB-4B21-89A4-9E1819C043BC",
"sequence_number": "5",
"dtmf": {
"digit": "1"

Error message

In case of any case of error during media streaming, an error frame in the following format is sent:

"event": "error",
"payload": {
"code": integer,
"title": string,
"detail": string
"stream_id": uuid

The list of the potential errors:

100002unknown_errorAn unknown error occurred on the stream
100003malformed_frameReceived frame was not formed correctly
100004invalid_mediaMedia provided was not base64 encoded
100005rate_limit_reachedToo many requests

Example of integration

In the Telnyx GitHub repository there are several examples of integrations with external services using Media streaming: