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The Telnyx IoT Data Model

SIM Card Groups

Manage large SIM card fleets using SIM card groups. SIM card groups also provide insight into how much data is being consumed by a group of SIM Cards and empower you to set an upper bound for data usage via the data limit feature. The main functions of SIM card groups are:

  • Seamlessly scale your fleet of IoT devices with a high degree of observability and easy reporting.
  • Set data limits on the aggregate data usage of SIMs in the group and expose visibility into the amount of data that the SIMs are consuming.

SIM Groups

SIM Cards

Telnyx SIM Cards have coverage in over 100 countries to over 500 networks. Telnyx SIMs also have access to a range of network technologies from 2G to 4G LTE, plus 25 CAT-M networks across North America and Europe. Our SIMs automatically switch to the best available network in each country. Some of the main functions of the SIM cards resource are:

  • The SIM cards resource can be tagged for granular reporting and observability.
  • This resource contains info about recent sessions, asynchronous updates (like network preferences), and connectivity logs.
  • Telnyx SIMs give you control over the network that you would like your SIMs to preference via our network preferences feature.

You can order a Telnyx SIM card via the Mission Control Portal. Once delivered, our quickstart guide will help you register your SIM cards to your Telnyx Portal account.

Telnyx SIM Cards can be transitioned to multiple states to help you take control and only pay for what you use. Once registered, the SIM can be disabled, essentially putting it into a “paused” state. You can read more about SIM statuses below. If you would like to completely remove the SIM from the Telnyx platform, you can do so by decommissioning the SIM (using the DELETE method in the API). This will remove all charges associated with the SIM. You can read more about deleting SIM cards below.

SIM Statuses

A Telnyx SIM card has a few possible statuses: enabled, enabling, disabled, disabling, standby, registering, and data_limit_exceeded.

You can view the status of your SIM cards in the SIM cards section of the portal under the Status column. You can also view the status of your SIM cards using the GET SIM cards endpoint in the Telnyx API.

enabledThis is notated by the green switch in the Telnyx portal. In this state, your SIM card is active and ready to be used with your device. You will be charged a monthly recurring cost (MRC) of $2 and data charges in this state.
enablingEnabling a SIM card is an asynchronous operation and while it is getting enabled in the Telnyx mobile core your SIM will move to this state.
disabledThis is notated by the grey switch in the Telnyx portal. In this state, your SIM card is inactive and will need to be enabled before use. You will be charged a monthly recurring cost (MRC) of $0.20 but no data charges will incur in this state.
disablingDisabling a SIM card is an asynchronous operation and while it is getting disabled in the Telnyx mobile core your SIM will move to this state.
standbyThe standby state carries the same functionality as the enabled state in that the SIM can scan for and connect to networks. However, when the SIM runs 1MB of data, it will automatically move to the enabled state and the MRC will be updated to the active MRC of $2. The MRC of a SIM while it is in the standby state is $0.20.
registeringRegistering a SIM card is an asynchronous operation and while it is getting registered in the Telnyx mobile core your SIM will move to this state. SIMs will register into the enabled status by default but you can choose the state you’d like to register your SIMs into via the API or portal.
data_limit_exceededOnce the aggregate data consumption of all SIM cards in a SIM card group reaches the specified data limit, all SIM cards in the group will move to the data limit exceeded status. This status is functionally the same as the disabled status.

The diagram below showcases the Telnyx SIM card lifecycle.


The standby status for SIM cards empowers Telnyx customers to deploy SIM cards into the field and only pay the full monthly platform fee when those SIMs are generating value for your business. The standby status has a monthly recurring charge (MRC) of $0.20. When a SIM is placed in the standby status, it can still scan and connect to networks. When a network is connected to and 1MB of data is run through the SIM, the status will automatically update to the active state and the MRC will update to the full $2.

The standby status can be updated via the Portal or API in bulk. To update the status in the Portal, select the SIMs to be updated in the SIM cards section of the Portal. Then select the "Manage SIM Cards Settings" option and update the SIM cards to the standby status. The Portal will ask for a confirmation for the MRC update and the SIM cards will get updated to the new status.

When the SIM card runs 1MB of data, the status will be updated to be active and the MRC will also update to the active MRC of $2. The organization owner of the Telnyx account will receive an email confirmation of this update.

To update the SIM card status via the API please see the API reference for the status update endpoint. The cURL example below showcases how to update the status of a SIM card:

curl -X POST \  
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
--data '{}' \

Note: After pasting the above content, Kindly check and remove any new line added

Deleting a SIM Card

Once the SIM card is deleted from your account, you will no longer be charged for that SIM card. The SIM card can be re-added to your account using the same registration code written on the SIM card.

  1. To start, log into your portal account and click on the Wireless tab.


  1. Click on the "SIM Cards" tab and select the ICCID of the SIM card you would like to delete.

SIM cards select ICCID

  1. Click on the "Delete SIM Card" button and you're set!

Delete SIM

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