Submit Campaign
Before creating a campaign, use the Qualify By Usecase endpoint to ensure that the brand you want to assign a new campaign to is qualified for the desired use case of that campaign. Please note: After campaign creation, you'll only be able to edit the campaign's sample messages. Creating a campaign will entail an upfront, non-refundable three month's cost that will depend on the campaign's use case (see 10DLC Costs section for details).
- application/json
Does message content controlled by affiliate marketing other than the brand?
Age gated message content in campaign.
Campaign subscription auto-renewal option. If set to true, then campaign will automatically renewal at end of billing cycle.
Alphanumeric identifier of the brand associated with this campaign.
Summary description of this campaign.
Direct lending or loan arrangement
Does message generated by the campaign include URL link in SMS?
Does message generated by the campaign include phone number in SMS?
Subscriber help keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space.
Help message of the campaign.
Message flow description.
Submit campaign to given list of MNOs by MNO's network ID. Default is all MNOs if no value provided.
Does campaign utilize pool of phone numbers?
Subscriber opt-in keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space.
Subscriber opt-in message.
Subscriber opt-out keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space.
Subscriber opt-out message.
Caller supplied campaign reference ID. If supplied, the value must be unique across all submitted campaigns. Can be used to prevent duplicate campaign registrations.
Alphanumeric identifier of the reseller that you want to associate with this campaign.
Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 1 or more message samples.
Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 2 or more message samples.
Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 3 or more message samples.
Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 4 or more message samples.
Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 5 or more message samples.
Campaign sub-usecases. Must be of defined valid sub-usecase types. Use /registry/enum/usecase
operation to retrieve list of valid sub-usecases
Does campaign responds to help keyword(s)?
Does campaign require subscriber to opt-in before SMS is sent to subscriber?
Does campaign support subscriber opt-out keyword(s)?
Tags to be set on the Campaign.
Is terms and conditions accepted?
Campaign usecase. Must be of defined valid types. Use /registry/enum/usecase
operation to retrieve usecases available for given brand.
Webhook to which campaign status updates are sent.
Failover webhook to which campaign status updates are sent.
200: Successful Response
- application/json
422: Validation Error
- application/json
Request samples
curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{
"affiliateMarketing": true,
"ageGated": true,
"autoRenewal": true,
"brandId": "string",
"description": "string",
"directLending": true,
"embeddedLink": true,
"embeddedPhone": true,
"helpKeywords": "string",
"helpMessage": "string",
"messageFlow": "string",
"mnoIds": [
"numberPool": true,
"optinKeywords": "string",
"optinMessage": "string",
"optoutKeywords": "string",
"optoutMessage": "string",
"referenceId": "string",
"resellerId": "string",
"sample1": "string",
"sample2": "string",
"sample3": "string",
"sample4": "string",
"sample5": "string",
"subUsecases": [
"subscriberHelp": true,
"subscriberOptin": true,
"subscriberOptout": true,
"tag": [
"termsAndConditions": true,
"usecase": "string",
"webhookURL": "",
"webhookFailoverURL": ""
Response samples
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "string",
"type": "string"