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List Campaigns


Retrieve a list of campaigns associated with a supplied brandId.


Query Parameters

    brandId Brandidrequired
    page Page

    Default value: 1

    The 1-indexed page number to get. The default value is 1.

    recordsPerPage Recordsperpage

    Default value: 10

    The amount of records per page, limited to between 1 and 500 inclusive. The default value is 10.

    sort Sort

    Possible values: [assignedPhoneNumbersCount, -assignedPhoneNumbersCount, createdAt, -createdAt, status, -status, tcrCampaignId, -tcrCampaignId]

    Default value: -createdAt

    Specifies the sort order for results. If not given, results are sorted by createdAt in descending order.

    Example: -assignedPhoneNumbersCount


200: Successful Response

422: Validation Error

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"page": 0,
"records": [
"ageGated": true,
"autoRenewal": true,
"billedDate": "string",
"brandId": "d2ca9d69-641b-4131-83fa-5d0744f4c8a9",
"brandDisplayName": "ABC Mobile",
"campaignId": "823d6b1a-6ed6-41a3-9c50-c8ff41b682ba",
"tcrBrandId": "BBRAND1",
"tcrCampaignId": "CCAMP1",
"createDate": "string",
"cspId": "string",
"description": "string",
"directLending": true,
"embeddedLink": true,
"embeddedPhone": true,
"helpKeywords": "string",
"helpMessage": "string",
"messageFlow": "string",
"mock": true,
"nextRenewalOrExpirationDate": "string",
"numberPool": true,
"optinKeywords": "string",
"optinMessage": "string",
"optoutKeywords": "string",
"optoutMessage": "string",
"referenceId": "string",
"resellerId": "string",
"sample1": "string",
"sample2": "string",
"sample3": "string",
"sample4": "string",
"sample5": "string",
"status": "string",
"subUsecases": [
"subscriberHelp": true,
"subscriberOptin": true,
"subscriberOptout": true,
"termsAndConditions": true,
"usecase": "string",
"webhookURL": "",
"webhookFailoverURL": "",
"isTMobileRegistered": true,
"isTMobileSuspended": true,
"isTMobileNumberPoolingEnabled": true,
"privacyPolicyLink": "string",
"termsAndConditionsLink": "string",
"embeddedLinkSample": "string",
"assignedPhoneNumbersCount": 3
"totalRecords": 0