Retrieve All Phone Number Campaigns
Retrieve All Phone Number Campaigns
Query Parameters
recordsPerPage any
page any
filter[telnyx_campaign_id] uuid
Filter results by the Telnyx Campaign id
filter[telnyx_brand_id] uuid
Filter results by the Telnyx Brand id
filter[tcr_campaign_id] string
Filter results by the TCR Campaign id
filter[tcr_brand_id] string
Filter results by the TCR Brand id
sort Sort
Possible values: [assignmentStatus
, -assignmentStatus
, createdAt
, -createdAt
, phoneNumber
, -phoneNumber
Default value: -createdAt
Specifies the sort order for results. If not given, results are sorted by createdAt in descending order.
Example: -phoneNumber
200: Successful Response
- application/json
default: Unexpected error
- application/json
Request samples
curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Response samples
"records": [
"phoneNumber": "+18005550199",
"brandId": "7ba705b7-22af-493f-addc-ac04b7ca071c",
"tcrBrandId": "BBRAND1",
"campaignId": "string",
"tcrCampaignId": "CCAMPA1",
"telnyxCampaignId": "3008dd9f-66d7-40e0-bf23-bf2d8d1a96ba",
"assignmentStatus": "ASSIGNED",
"createdAt": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z"
"page": 0,
"totalRecords": 0
"errors": [
"code": "string",
"title": "string",
"detail": "string",
"source": {
"pointer": "string",
"parameter": "string"