List Shared Campaigns
Retrieve all partner campaigns you have shared to Telnyx in a paginated fashion.
This endpoint is currently limited to only returning shared campaigns that Telnyx has accepted. In other words, shared but pending campaigns are currently omitted from the response from this endpoint.
Query Parameters
Default value: 1
The 1-indexed page number to get. The default value is 1
Default value: 10
The amount of records per page, limited to between 1 and 500 inclusive. The default value is 10
Possible values: [assignedPhoneNumbersCount
, -assignedPhoneNumbersCount
, brandDisplayName
, -brandDisplayName
, tcrBrandId
, -tcrBranId
, tcrCampaignId
, -tcrCampaignId
, createdAt
, -createdAt
, campaignStatus
, -campaignStatus
Default value: -createdAt
Specifies the sort order for results. If not given, results are sorted by createdAt in descending order.
200: Successful Response
- application/json
422: Validation Error
- application/json
Request samples
curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Response samples
"records": [
"ageGated": true,
"assignedPhoneNumbersCount": 3,
"brandDisplayName": "ABC Mobile",
"campaignStatus": "TCR_ACCEPTED",
"description": "string",
"directLending": true,
"embeddedLink": true,
"embeddedLinkSample": "string",
"embeddedPhone": true,
"helpKeywords": "string",
"helpMessage": "string",
"isNumberPoolingEnabled": true,
"messageFlow": "string",
"numberPool": true,
"optinKeywords": "string",
"optinMessage": "string",
"optoutKeywords": "string",
"optoutMessage": "string",
"privacyPolicyLink": "string",
"usecase": "string",
"sample1": "string",
"sample2": "string",
"sample3": "string",
"sample4": "string",
"sample5": "string",
"subUsecases": [
"subscriberOptin": true,
"subscriberOptout": true,
"tcrBrandId": "BBRAND1",
"tcrCampaignId": "CCAMP1",
"termsAndConditions": true,
"termsAndConditionsLink": "string",
"webhookURL": "",
"webhookFailoverURL": "",
"createdAt": "2021-03-08T17:57:48.801186",
"updatedAt": "2021-03-08T17:57:48.801186"
"page": 0,
"totalRecords": 0
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "string",
"type": "string"