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Create Brand



This endpoint is used to create a new brand. A brand is an entity created by The Campaign Registry (TCR) that represents an organization or a company. It is this entity that TCR created campaigns will be associated with. Each brand creation will entail an upfront, non-refundable $4 expense.




    entityType object

    Entity type behind the brand. This is the form of business establishment.

    displayName Displaynamerequired

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Display name, marketing name, or DBA name of the brand.

    companyName Companyname

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    (Required for Non-profit/private/public) Legal company name.

    firstName Firstname

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    First name of business contact.

    lastName Lastname

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Last name of business contact.

    ein Ein

    Possible values: <= 20 characters

    (Required for Non-profit) Government assigned corporate tax ID. EIN is 9-digits in U.S.

    phone Phone

    Possible values: <= 20 characters

    Valid phone number in e.164 international format.

    street Street

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Street number and name.

    city City

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    City name

    state State

    Possible values: <= 20 characters

    State. Must be 2 letters code for United States.

    postalCode Postalcode

    Possible values: <= 10 characters

    Postal codes. Use 5 digit zipcode for United States

    country Countryrequired

    Possible values: <= 2 characters

    ISO2 2 characters country code. Example: US - United States

    email Emailrequired

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Valid email address of brand support contact.

    stockSymbol Stocksymbol

    Possible values: <= 10 characters

    (Required for public company) stock symbol.

    stockExchange object

    (Required for public company) stock exchange.

    ipAddress Ipaddress

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    IP address of the browser requesting to create brand identity.

    website Website

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Brand website URL.

    vertical object

    Vertical or industry segment of the brand or campaign.

    isReseller Isreseller

    Default value: false

    mock Mock

    Default value: false

    Mock brand for testing purposes

    mobilePhone Mobilephone

    Possible values: <= 20 characters

    Valid mobile phone number in e.164 international format.


200: Successful Response



422: Validation Error




  • Array [

  • loc



  • Array [

  • anyOf


  • ]

  • msg Messagerequired
    type Error Typerequired
  • ]
