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Set network preferences


This API allows setting or updating a SIM card network preference.

Every SIM card has default network preferences defined on Telnyx. These preferences will determine how a SIMCard will connect to the network by considering a list of preferable operators.

There can be multiple scenarios where an operator can be preferred over another, for example, when a specific mobile operator can provide better network latency or better pricing.


Path Parameters

    sim_card_id uuidrequired

    Identifies a SIM card.




    A list of mobile network operators and the priority that should be applied when the SIM is connecting to the network.

  • Array [

  • mobile_network_operator_id uuid

    The mobile network operator resource identification UUID.

    priority integer

    It determines what is the priority of a specific network operator that should be assumed by a SIM card when connecting to a network. The highest priority is 0, the second highest is 1 and so on.

  • ]

  • A list of mobile network operators and the priority that should be applied when the SIM is connecting to the network.



default: Unexpected error
