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Update a draft sub request


Updates the specified draft sub request with the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not included in the request will be left unchanged.

Note: this is where you can set a default connection to pre-configure the numbers on a sub request. Connections can be created using the create connections endpoint


Path Parameters

    draft_port_request_id stringrequired

    Draft Port Request id

    id stringrequired

    Sub Request id



Updated sub request details

    foc_date_requested_by_user stringrequired

    ISO 8601 formatted Date/Time requested for the FOC date

    person_or_company_name string

    Person Name or Company name requesting the port

    auth_person_name stringrequired

    Name of person authorizing the port request

    billing_phone_number stringrequired

    Billing phone number associated with these phone numbers

    street_address stringrequired

    First line of billing address

    extended_address string

    Second line of billing address

    locality stringrequired

    City of billing address

    administrative_area stringrequired

    Two character state abbreviation of billing address

    postal_code stringrequired

    Postal Code of billing address

    country_code stringrequired

    ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country code of billing address

    default_connection_id stringrequired

    Identifies the connection to set on the numbers when the port completes

    default_message_profile_id stringrequired

    Identifies the messaging profile to set on the numbers when the port completes



    Options for the processing of numbers with your current service provider.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [partial, full]

    A port can be either 'full' or 'partial'. When type is 'full' the other attributes should be omitted.

    remaining_numbers_action string

    Possible values: [keep, disconnect]

    Remaining numbers can be either kept with their current service provider or disconnected. 'new_billing_telephone_number' is required when 'remaining_numbers_action' is 'keep'.

    new_billing_phone_number string

    New billing telephone numbers for the remaining numbers. This will be set on your account with your current service provider and should be one of the numbers remaining on that account.

    Options for the processing of numbers with your current service provider.

    pin_passcode string

    PIN/passcode for accounts that have wireless type numbers

    account_number string

    The authorized person's account number with the current service provider

    tax_identifier string

    European tax identification number. Applicable only in the European Union

    business_identifier string

    European business identification number. Applicable only in the European Union


200: Sub request

401: Unauthorized

422: Unprocessable entity. Check message field in response for details.

Request samples

curl -L -X PUT '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"foc_date_requested_by_user": "string",
"person_or_company_name": "string",
"auth_person_name": "string",
"billing_phone_number": "string",
"street_address": "string",
"extended_address": "string",
"locality": "string",
"administrative_area": "string",
"postal_code": "string",
"country_code": "string",
"default_connection_id": "string",
"default_message_profile_id": "string",
"porting_option": {
"type": "partial",
"remaining_numbers_action": "keep",
"new_billing_phone_number": "string"
"pin_passcode": "string",
"account_number": "string",
"tax_identifier": "string",
"business_identifier": "string"

Response samples

"id": "string",
"complete": true,
"phone_numbers": [
"phone_number": "string",
"svtype": "string",
"carrier_name": "string",
"coverage_category": "nanp_generic",
"sub_request_id": "string",
"portability_status": "pending"
"foc_date_requested_by_user": "string",
"phone_number_count": 0,
"underlying_carrier_names": [
"person_or_company_name": "string",
"auth_person_name": "string",
"billing_phone_number": "string",
"street_address": "string",
"extended_address": "string",
"locality": "string",
"administrative_area": "string",
"postal_code": "string",
"country_code": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"default_connection_id": "string",
"default_message_profile_id": "string",
"porting_option": {
"type": "partial",
"remaining_numbers_action": "keep",
"new_billing_phone_number": "string"
"pin_passcode": "string",
"account_number": "string",
"description": "string",
"tax_identifier": "string",
"business_identifier": "string"