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Submit a draft port request


Submits a draft port request. Once all of the sub requests belonging to a draft port request are populated with required information the draft port request can be submitted, initiating the porting process. Once successfully submitted changes can no longer be made to the draft port request. This request does not require a request body.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Draft Port Request id


201: Draft port request response

401: Unauthorized

422: Unprocessable entity. Check message field in response for details.

Request samples

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Response samples

"id": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"status": "pending",
"phone_number_count": 0,
"phone_numbers": [
"phone_number": "string",
"svtype": "string",
"carrier_name": "string",
"coverage_category": "nanp_generic",
"sub_request_id": "string",
"portability_status": "pending"
"sub_requests": [
"id": "string",
"complete": true,
"phone_numbers": [
"phone_number": "string",
"svtype": "string",
"carrier_name": "string",
"coverage_category": "nanp_generic",
"sub_request_id": "string",
"portability_status": "pending"
"foc_date_requested_by_user": "string",
"phone_number_count": 0,
"underlying_carrier_names": [
"person_or_company_name": "string",
"auth_person_name": "string",
"billing_phone_number": "string",
"street_address": "string",
"extended_address": "string",
"locality": "string",
"administrative_area": "string",
"postal_code": "string",
"country_code": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"default_connection_id": "string",
"default_message_profile_id": "string",
"porting_option": {
"type": "partial",
"remaining_numbers_action": "keep",
"new_billing_phone_number": "string"
"pin_passcode": "string",
"account_number": "string",
"description": "string",
"tax_identifier": "string",
"business_identifier": "string"
"port_request_id": "string"