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List all connections


Returns a list of your connections.


Query Parameters

    with_ips boolean

    Specify as true to include authorized IPs along with connections

    with_auth boolean

    Specify as true to include credential authentication details along with connections. Please note this only affects connections for which the authorization type is credential-based authentication.

    with_fqdns boolean

    Specify as true to include FQDN / domain details along with connections. Please note this only affects connections for which the authorization type is FQDN-based authentication.

    mode string

    Possible values: [typeahead]

    Optional parameter to specify typeahead mode. Doing so limits the amount of details returned but speeds up calls.

    order_by string

    Possible values: [created_at, connection_name, auth_type, active]

    Specify an ordering for the results. Optional parameter. If present, must be one of four values: "created_at", "connection_name", "auth_type", or "active". Other values are invalid and will result in the call failing. "created_at" will order them based on when the connections were created. "connection_name" will order results alphabetically by the connection name. "auth_type" will order the connections with those having credential-based auth first, followed by those with IP-based auth, and then those with no authentication type set at the end. "active" will order them with active/enabled connections first and inactive/disabled connections at the end. If no ordering is specified, "created_at" will be used.

    sort_direction string

    Possible values: [reverse]

    The sort_direction specifies in which way the ordering of the connections is applied. The default for connection_name is from A-Z, for created_at it is newest-first, and for auth_type it is credential, then IP-based, then no auth type. active shows enabled connections first and disabled/inactive connections at the end. You may invert this by specifying "reverse" as the sort_direction. This parameter is optional.

    filter_connection_name string

    Optional filtering parameter. If present, connections with at least a partial match will be returned. Matching is not case-sensitive. Requires at least three characters.

    filter_ip_address string

    Optional filtering parameter. If present, only connections with one or more matching authorized IP addresses will be returned. No connections where the authorization type is not set or the authorization type is credential-based will be returned if this is set.

    filter_auth_user_name string

    Optional filtering parameter. If present, only connections of credential-based authentication will be returned, and only those with a user_name that is at least a partial match with the value provided. Requires at least three characters.

    page integer

    Default value: 1

    Page number of results to load

    per_page integer

    Possible values: <= 1000

    Default value: 100

    Number of results per page


200: Connection response

401: Unauthorized

422: Unprocessable entity. Can be caused by improper use of filters or modes.

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Response samples

"id": "string",
"connection_name": "string",
"tech_prefix": "string",
"authentication_type": 1,
"active": true,
"dnis_number_format": 1,
"timeout_1xx": "string",
"timeout_2xx": "string",
"forward_only": false,
"ani_override_type": "always",
"ani_override": "string",
"registration_status": 0,
"last_registered_ip": "string",
"registration_status_updated_at": "string",
"sip_compact_headers_enabled": true,
"transport_protocol": "UDP",
"third_party_control_enabled": false,
"privacy_zone_enabled": false,
"codecs": [
"prack_enabled": false,
"default_routing_method": "sequential",
"default_primary_authorized_ip_id": 0,
"default_secondary_authorized_ip_id": 0,
"default_tertiary_authorized_ip_id": 0,
"anchorsite_override": "Latency",
"encrypted_media": "SRTP",
"call_failure_check_enabled": false,
"instant_ringback_enabled": true,
"t38_reinvite_source": "telnyx",
"ani_number_format": "E.164-national",
"isup_headers_enabled": true,
"encode_contact_header_enabled": true,
"inbound_generate_ringback_tone": true,
"outbound_generate_ringback_tone": true,
"rtcp_report_enabled": true,
"rtcp_report_frequency_seconds": 10,
"dtmf_type": "RFC 2833",
"outbound_localization": "string",
"inbound_channel_limit": 0,
"outbound_channel_limit": 0,
"onnet_t38_passthrough_enabled": 0,
"sip_region": "US",
"sip_uri_calling_preference": "disabled",
"sip_subdomain": "string",
"sip_subdomain_receive_settings": "only_my_connections",
"webhook_api_version": "1"