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Edit a porting order


Edits the details of an existing porting order.

Any or all of a porting orders attributes may be included in the resource object included in a PATCH request.

If a request does not include all of the attributes for a resource, the system will interpret the missing attributes as if they were included with their current values. To explicitly set something to null, it must be included in the request with a null value.


Path Parameters

    id uuidrequired

    Porting Order id





    type PortingOrderType (string)

    Possible values: [full, partial]

    A port can be either 'full' or 'partial'. When type is 'full' the other attributes should be omitted.

    remaining_numbers_action string

    Possible values: [keep, disconnect]

    Remaining numbers can be either kept with their current service provider or disconnected. 'new_billing_telephone_number' is required when 'remaining_numbers_action' is 'keep'.

    new_billing_phone_number string

    New billing phone number for the remaining numbers. Used in case the current billing phone number is being ported to Telnyx. This will be set on your account with your current service provider and should be one of the numbers remaining on that account.





    entity_name string

    Person Name or Company name requesting the port

    auth_person_name string

    Name of person authorizing the porting order

    billing_phone_number string

    Billing phone number associated with these phone numbers

    account_number string

    The authorized person's account number with the current service provider

    tax_identifier string

    European tax identification number. Applicable only in the European Union

    pin_passcode string

    PIN/passcode possibly required by the old service provider for extra verification

    business_identifier string

    European business identification number. Applicable only in the European Union



    street_address string

    First line of billing address

    extended_address string

    Second line of billing address

    locality string

    City or municipality of billing address

    administrative_area string

    State, province, or similar of billing address

    postal_code string

    Postal Code of billing address

    country_code string

    ISO3166-1 alpha-2 country code of billing address



    Can be specified directly or via the requirement_group_id parameter.

    loa uuid

    Returned ID of the submitted LOA via the Documents endpoint

    invoice uuid

    Returned ID of the submitted Invoice via the Documents endpoint



    foc_datetime_requested date-time

    ISO 8601 formatted Date/Time requested for the FOC date



    billing_group_id string

    identifies the billing group to set on the numbers when ported

    connection_id string

    identifies the connection to set on the numbers when ported

    messaging_profile_id string

    identifies the messaging profile to set on the numbers when ported

    emergency_address_id string

    identifies the emergency address to set on the numbers when ported

    tags string[]
    requirement_group_id uuid

    If present, we will read the current values from the specified Requirement Group into the Documents and Requirements for this Porting Order. Note that any future changes in the Requirement Group would have no impact on this Porting Order. We will return an error if a specified Requirement Group conflicts with documents or requirements in the same request.



    List of requirements for porting numbers.

  • Array [

  • field_value stringrequired

    identifies the document or provides the text value that satisfies this requirement

    requirement_type_id stringrequired

    Identifies the requirement type that the field_value fulfills

  • ]

  • List of requirements for porting numbers.



    user_rating integer

    Once an order is ported, cancellation is requested or the request is cancelled, the user may rate their experience

    user_comment string

    A comment related to the customer rating.

    webhook_url uri
    customer_reference string



    enable_messaging boolean

    Indicates whether Telnyx will port messaging capabilities from the losing carrier. If false, any messaging capabilities will stay with their current provider.


200: Successful response

401: Unauthorized

422: Unprocessable entity. Check message field in response for details.

Request samples

curl -L -X PATCH '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{
"misc": {
"type": "full",
"remaining_numbers_action": "disconnect",
"new_billing_phone_number": "string"
"end_user": {
"admin": {
"entity_name": "Porter McPortersen",
"auth_person_name": "Porter McPortersen II",
"billing_phone_number": 13035551234,
"account_number": "123abc",
"tax_identifier": "1234abcd",
"pin_passcode": 1234,
"business_identifier": "abc123"
"location": {
"street_address": "600 Congress Avenue",
"extended_address": "14th Floor",
"locality": "Austin",
"administrative_area": "TX",
"postal_code": "78701",
"country_code": "US"
"documents": {
"loa": "64ffb720-04c7-455b-92d6-20fcca92e935",
"invoice": "ce74b771-d23d-4960-81ec-8741b3862146"
"activation_settings": {
"foc_datetime_requested": "2021-03-19T10:07:15.527Z"
"phone_number_configuration": {
"billing_group_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"connection_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"messaging_profile_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f901",
"emergency_address_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"tags": [
"requirement_group_id": "DE748D99-06FA-4D90-9F9A-F4B62696BADA",
"requirements": [
"field_value": "9787fb5f-cbe5-4de4-b765-3303774ee9fe",
"requirement_type_id": "59b0762a-b274-4f76-ac32-4d5cf0272e66"
"user_feedback": {
"user_rating": 5,
"user_comment": "I loved my experience porting numbers with Telnyx"
"webhook_url": "string",
"customer_reference": "string",
"messaging": {
"enable_messaging": true

Response samples

"data": {
"activation_settings": {
"activation_status": null,
"fast_port_eligible": true,
"foc_datetime_actual": null,
"foc_datetime_requested": "2022-04-08T15:00:00Z"
"created_at": "2022-03-24T14:22:28Z",
"customer_reference": "Test1234",
"description": "FP Telnyx",
"documents": {
"loa": null,
"invoice": null
"end_user": {
"admin": {
"account_number": "123abc",
"auth_person_name": "Porter McPortersen II",
"billing_phone_number": "+13035551234",
"business_identifier": "abc123",
"entity_name": "Porter McPortersen",
"pin_passcode": "1234",
"tax_identifier": "1234abcd"
"location": {
"administrative_area": "TX",
"country_code": "US",
"extended_address": "14th Floor",
"locality": "Austin",
"postal_code": "78701",
"street_address": "600 Congress Avenue"
"id": "eef10fb8-f3df-4c67-97c5-e18179723222",
"misc": {
"new_billing_phone_number": null,
"remaining_numbers_action": null,
"type": "full"
"old_service_provider_ocn": "Unreal Communications",
"parent_support_key": null,
"phone_number_configuration": {
"billing_group_id": null,
"connection_id": "1752379429071357070",
"emergency_address_id": null,
"messaging_profile_id": null,
"tags": []
"phone_number_type": "local",
"porting_phone_numbers_count": 1,
"record_type": "porting_order",
"requirements": [],
"requirements_met": false,
"status": {
"details": [],
"value": "draft"
"support_key": null,
"updated_at": "2022-03-24T14:26:53Z",
"user_feedback": {
"user_comment": null,
"user_rating": null
"messaging": {
"messaging_capable": true,
"enable_messaging": true,
"messaging_port_status": "pending",
"messaging_port_completed": false
"user_id": "40d68ba2-0847-4df2-be9c-b0e0cb673e75",
"webhook_url": ""
"meta": {
"phone_numbers_url": "/v2/porting_phone_numbers?filter[porting_order_id]=eef10fb8-f3df-4c67-97c5-e18179723222"