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List available phone numbers


List available phone numbers


Query Parameters

    filter[phone_number][starts_with] string

    Filter numbers starting with a pattern (exclude NDC from start of this filter if used with national_destination_code filter).

    filter[phone_number][ends_with] string

    Filter numbers ending with a pattern (max length of 4 digits if used with national_destination_code filter).

    filter[phone_number][contains] string

    Filter numbers containing a pattern (must be used with national_destination_code filter and only searches within last 4 digits).

    filter[locality] string

    Filter phone numbers by city.

    filter[administrative_area] string

    Filter phone numbers by US state/CA province.

    filter[country_code] string

    Filter phone numbers by ISO alpha-2 country code.

    filter[national_destination_code] string

    Filter by the national destination code of the number. This filter is only applicable to North American numbers.

    filter[rate_center] string

    Filter phone numbers by NANP rate center. This filter is only applicable to North American numbers.

    filter[phone_number_type] string

    Possible values: [local, toll_free, mobile, national, shared_cost, landline]

    Filter phone numbers by number type.

    filter[features] string[]

    Possible values: [sms, mms, voice, fax, emergency]

    Filter if the phone number should be used for voice, fax, mms, sms, emergency.

    filter[limit] integer

    Limits the number of results.

    filter[best_effort] boolean

    Filter to determine if best effort results should be included. Only available in NANPA countries.

    filter[quickship] boolean

    Filter to exclude phone numbers that need additional time after to purchase to receive phone calls. Only available for toll-free numbers.

    filter[reservable] boolean

    Filter to exclude phone numbers that cannot be reserved before purchase.

    filter[exclude_held_numbers] boolean

    Filter to exclude phone numbers that are currently on hold for your account.


200: Successful response with a list of available phone numbers.

default: Unexpected error
