List all porting orders
Returns a list of your porting order.
Query Parameters
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 1
The page number to load
Possible values: >= 1
and <= 250
Default value: 20
The size of the page
Default value: true
Include the first 50 phone number objects in the results
Possible values: [draft
, in-process
, submitted
, exception
, foc-date-confirmed
, cancel-pending
, ported
, cancelled
Filter results by status
Possible values: [draft
, in-process
, submitted
, exception
, foc-date-confirmed
, cancel-pending
, ported
, cancelled
Filter porting orders by multiple statuses
Filter results by customer_reference
Filter results by parent_support_key
Filter results by country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
Filter results by old service provider
Possible values: [full
, partial
Filter results by porting order type
Filter results by person or company name
Filter results by authorized person
Filter results by fast port eligible
Filter results by foc date later than this value
Filter results by foc date earlier than this value
Filter results by full or partial phone_number
Possible values: [created_at
, -created_at
, activation_settings.foc_datetime_requested
, -activation_settings.foc_datetime_requested
Specifies the sort order for results. If not given, results are sorted by created_at in descending order.
200: Successful response
- application/json
401: Unauthorized
422: Unprocessable entity. Check message field in response for details.
Request samples
curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Response samples
"data": [
"id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"customer_reference": "Acct 123abc",
"created_at": "2021-03-19T10:07:15.527Z",
"updated_at": "2021-03-19T10:07:15.527Z",
"status": {
"details": [
"description": "Entity name does not match that on the CSR"
"value": "ported"
"support_key": "sr_123abc",
"parent_support_key": "pr_123abc",
"porting_phone_numbers_count": 1,
"old_service_provider_ocn": "Unreal Communications",
"documents": {
"loa": "64ffb720-04c7-455b-92d6-20fcca92e935",
"invoice": "ce74b771-d23d-4960-81ec-8741b3862146"
"misc": {
"type": "full",
"remaining_numbers_action": "disconnect",
"new_billing_phone_number": "string"
"end_user": {
"admin": {
"entity_name": "Porter McPortersen",
"auth_person_name": "Porter McPortersen II",
"billing_phone_number": 13035551234,
"account_number": "123abc",
"tax_identifier": "1234abcd",
"pin_passcode": 1234,
"business_identifier": "abc123"
"location": {
"street_address": "600 Congress Avenue",
"extended_address": "14th Floor",
"locality": "Austin",
"administrative_area": "TX",
"postal_code": "78701",
"country_code": "US"
"activation_settings": {
"foc_datetime_requested": "2021-03-19T10:07:15.527Z",
"foc_datetime_actual": "2021-03-19T10:07:15.527Z",
"fast_port_eligible": true,
"activation_status": "Active"
"phone_number_configuration": {
"billing_group_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"connection_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"messaging_profile_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f901",
"emergency_address_id": "f1486bae-f067-460c-ad43-73a92848f902",
"tags": [
"phone_number_type": "local",
"description": "FP Telnyx",
"requirements": [
"field_type": "document",
"field_value": "9787fb5f-cbe5-4de4-b765-3303774ee9fe",
"requirement_type_id": "59b0762a-b274-4f76-ac32-4d5cf0272e66",
"record_type": "porting_requirement"
"requirements_met": false,
"user_feedback": {
"user_rating": 5,
"user_comment": "I loved my experience porting numbers with Telnyx"
"user_id": "40d68ba2-0847-4df2-be9c-b0e0cb673e75",
"webhook_url": "",
"record_type": "porting_order",
"messaging": {
"messaging_capable": true,
"enable_messaging": true,
"messaging_port_status": "pending",
"messaging_port_completed": false
"meta": {
"total_pages": 3,
"total_results": 55,
"page_number": 2,
"page_size": 25