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Get rate center by location


Lookup rate centers using zipcode or city/state, only exact matches are supported.

Requires an authorization header or IP Auth setup through the portal.


Query Parameters

    type stringrequired

    Must be either 'zipcode' or 'city_state'

    zipcode string

    Zipcode to query for. Required if type = zipcode

    city string

    City to query for. Required if type = city_state


200: Success. The response will be an array of RatecenterResults or the NoResults object.

400: Bad request when missing required parameters

401: Unauthorized request

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Response samples

"rc_name": "string",
"rc_abbre": "string",
"state": "string",
"npa_nxx": [
"npa": "string",
"nxx": "string",
"ocn": "string",
"effectivedate": "string"