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Delete a number


Permanently deletes a number. The ID in the path can either be the telephone number (e.g. +12124567890) or object ID.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Telephone number (ex: +12124567890) or object ID of number to delete


200: Number deleted

401: Unauthorized

404: Resource not found

Request samples

curl -L -X DELETE '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Response samples

"id": "string",
"connection_id": "string",
"number_val_e164": "string",
"ignore_tech_prefix": true,
"enable_tech_prefix": false,
"translated_number": "string",
"forwards_to": "string",
"forwarding_type": "string",
"tag_list": [
"status": 1,
"purchase_failure_reason": "string",
"e911_enabled": false,
"e911_address_id": "string",
"emergency_status": "disabled",
"address_id": "string",
"usage_payment_method": "pay-per-minute",
"enable_rtp_auto_adjust": true,
"cnam_listing_enabled": false,
"cnam_listing_details": "string",
"external_pin": "string",
"t38_fax_gateway_enabled": false,
"accept_any_rtp_packets_enabled": false,
"number_val": "string",
"inbound_call_recording_enabled": false,
"inbound_call_recording_format": "wav",
"inbound_call_recording_channels": "single",
"billing_group_id": "string"