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Slim List phone numbers


List phone numbers, This endpoint is a lighter version of the /phone_numbers endpoint having higher performance and rate limit.


Query Parameters

    page[number] integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    The page number to load

    page[size] integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 250

    Default value: 20

    The size of the page

    include_connection boolean

    Include the connection associated with the phone number.

    include_tags boolean

    Include the tags associated with the phone number.

    filter[tag] string

    Filter by phone number tags. (This requires the include_tags param)

    filter[phone_number] string

    Filter by phone number. Requires at least three digits. Non-numerical characters will result in no values being returned.

    filter[status] string

    Possible values: [purchase_pending, purchase_failed, port_pending, active, deleted, port_failed, emergency_only, ported_out, port_out_pending]

    Filter by phone number status.

    filter[connection_id] int64

    Filter by connection_id.

    filter[voice.connection_name][contains] string

    Filter contains connection name. Requires at least three characters and the include_connection param.

    filter[voice.connection_name][starts_with] string

    Filter starts with connection name. Requires at least three characters and the include_connection param.

    filter[voice.connection_name][ends_with] string

    Filter ends with connection name. Requires at least three characters and the include_connection param.

    filter[voice.connection_name] string

    Filter by connection name , requires the include_connection param and the include_connection param.

    filter[voice.usage_payment_method] string

    Possible values: [pay-per-minute, channel]

    Filter by usage_payment_method.

    filter[billing_group_id] string

    Filter by the billing_group_id associated with phone numbers. To filter to only phone numbers that have no billing group associated them, set the value of this filter to the string 'null'.

    filter[emergency_address_id] int64

    Filter by the emergency_address_id associated with phone numbers. To filter only phone numbers that have no emergency address associated with them, set the value of this filter to the string 'null'.

    filter[customer_reference] string

    Filter numbers via the customer_reference set.

    sort string

    Possible values: [purchased_at, phone_number, connection_name, usage_payment_method]

    Specifies the sort order for results. If not given, results are sorted by created_at in descending order.


200: Successful response with a list of phone numbers.

default: Unexpected error
