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Send SIP info


Sends SIP info from this leg.

Expected Webhooks:

There are no webhooks associated with this command.


Path Parameters

    call_control_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier and token for controlling the call



Send SIP INFO request

    content_type stringrequired

    Content type of the INFO body. Must be MIME type compliant. There is a 1,400 bytes limit

    body stringrequired

    Content of the SIP INFO

    client_state string

    Use this field to add state to every subsequent webhook. It must be a valid Base-64 encoded string.

    command_id string

    Use this field to avoid duplicate commands. Telnyx will ignore any command with the same command_id for the same call_control_id.


200: Successful response upon making a call control command.

default: Unexpected error

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{
"content_type": "application/json",
"body": "{\"key\": \"value\", \"numValue\": 100}",
"client_state": "aGF2ZSBhIG5pY2UgZGF5ID1d",
"command_id": "891510ac-f3e4-11e8-af5b-de00688a4901"

Response samples

"data": {
"result": "ok"