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Retrieve a call from a queue


Retrieve an existing call from an existing queue


Path Parameters

    queue_name stringrequired

    Uniquely identifies the queue by name

    call_control_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier and token for controlling the call


200: Successful response with details about a call in a queue.

404: Conference does not exist

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"data": {
"call_control_id": "v3:MdI91X4lWFEs7IgbBEOT9M4AigoY08M0WWZFISt1Yw2axZ_IiE4pqg",
"call_leg_id": "2dc6fc34-f9e0-11ea-b68e-02420a0f7768",
"call_session_id": "2dc1b3c8-f9e0-11ea-bc5a-02420a0f7768",
"record_type": "queue_call",
"connection_id": "7267xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"from": "+18005550101",
"to": "+18005550102",
"enqueued_at": "2019-01-23T18:10:02.574Z",
"wait_time_secs": 145,
"queue_position": 3,
"queue_id": "ae1626cc-6f42-11ea-becd-02420a0f8b69"