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List conferences


Lists conferences. Conferences are created on demand, and will expire after all participants have left the conference or after 4 hours regardless of the number of active participants. Conferences are listed in descending order by expires_at.


Query Parameters

    filter[name] string

    If present, conferences will be filtered to those with a matching name attribute. Matching is case-sensitive

    filter[status] string

    Possible values: [init, in_progress, completed]

    If present, conferences will be filtered by status.

    page[number] integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    The page number to load

    page[size] integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 250

    Default value: 20

    The size of the page


200: Successful response with a list of conferences.

401: Unauthorized

422: Unprocessable entity

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"data": [
"record_type": "conference",
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "All hands meeting",
"created_at": "2019-01-23T18:10:02.574Z",
"expires_at": "2019-01-23T18:10:02.574Z",
"updated_at": "2019-01-23T18:10:02.574Z",
"region": "sv1",
"status": "completed",
"end_reason": "all_left",
"ended_by": {
"call_control_id": "v2:T02llQxIyaRkhfRKxgAP8nY511EhFLizdvdUKJiSw8d6A9BborherQczRrZvZakpWxBlpw48KyZQ==",
"call_session_id": "428c31b6-abf3-3bc1-b7f4-5013ef9657c1"
"connection_id": "3fa85f64-9191-4567-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
"meta": {
"total_pages": 3,
"total_results": 55,
"page_number": 2,
"page_size": 25