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Creates an authentication provider


Creates an authentication provider.




Parameters that can be defined during authentication provider creation

    name name (string)required

    The name associated with the authentication provider.

    short_name short_name (string)required

    The short name associated with the authentication provider. This must be unique and URL-friendly, as it's going to be part of the login URL.

    active active (boolean)

    Default value: true

    The active status of the authentication provider




    The settings associated with the authentication provider.

    idp_entity_id stringrequired

    The Entity ID for the identity provider (IdP).

    idp_sso_target_url stringrequired

    The SSO target url for the identity provider (IdP).

    idp_cert_fingerprint stringrequired

    The certificate fingerprint for the identity provider (IdP)

    idp_cert_fingerprint_algorithm string

    Possible values: [sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512]

    Default value: sha1

    The algorithm used to generate the identity provider's (IdP) certificate fingerprint

    The settings associated with the authentication provider.

    settings_url settings_url (string)

    The URL for the identity provider metadata file to populate the settings automatically. If the settings attribute is provided, that will be used instead.


200: Successful response

422: Bad request

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{
"name": "Okta",
"short_name": "myorg",
"active": true,
"settings": {
"idp_entity_id": "",
"idp_sso_target_url": "",
"idp_cert_fingerprint": "13:38:C7:BB:C9:FF:4A:70:38:3A:E3:D9:5C:CD:DB:2E:50:1E:80:A7",
"idp_cert_fingerprint_algorithm": "sha256"
"settings_url": ""

Response samples

"data": {
"id": "35146afd-df93-4963-b1e9-1a085e2ae874",
"record_type": "authentication_provider",
"name": "Okta",
"short_name": "myorg",
"organization_id": "24b4a4bb-c4df-46ad-bbcb-23fc741c5ad7",
"active": true,
"settings": {
"assertion_consumer_service_url": "",
"service_provider_entity_id": "",
"idp_entity_id": "",
"idp_sso_target_url": "",
"idp_cert_fingerprint": "13:38:C7:BB:C9:FF:4A:70:38:3A:E3:D9:5C:CD:DB:2E:50:1E:80:A7",
"idp_cert_fingerprint_algorithm": "sha256",
"name_identifier_format": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format"
"created_at": "2018-02-02T22:25:27.521Z",
"updated_at": "2018-02-02T22:25:27.521Z"