Search detail records
Search for any detail record across the Telnyx Platform
Query Parameters
- filter[record_type]=messaging
- filter[record_type]=verify
- filter[date_range]=today
- filter[date_range]=yesterday
- filter[date_range]=last_month
- filter[created_at][gte]=2021-06-22
- filter[created_at][lt]=2021-06-23
- filter[direction]=inbound
- filter[cld][starts_with]=123
- filter[cld][ends_with]=789
- filter[cld][contains]=456
- sort=created_at
- sort=-created_at
Possible values: [ai-voice-assistant
, amd
, call-control
, conference
, conference-participant
, embedding
, fax
, inference
, inference-speech-to-text
, media_storage
, media-streaming
, messaging
, noise-suppression
, recording
, sip-trunking
, siprec-client
, stt
, tts
, verify
, webrtc
, wireless
Filter by the given record type.
Searches for messaging detail records
Example: messaging
Searches for verify detail records
Example: verify
Possible values: [yesterday
, today
, tomorrow
, last_week
, this_week
, next_week
, last_month
, this_month
, next_month
Filter by the given user-friendly date range. You can specify one of the following enum values, or a dynamic one using this format: last_N_days.
Searches for records with timestamp starting at `00:00:00` of the current day
Example: today
Searches for records with timestamp starting at `00:00:00` of yesterday
Example: yesterday
Searches for records with timestamp starting at `00:00:00` on the first day of the month
Example: last_month
Filter records on a given record attribute and value.
Example: filter[status]=delivered
Searches for records with `created_at` starting at `2021-06-22`
Example: 2021-06-22
Searches for records with `created_at` ending at `2021-06-22`
Example: 2021-06-23
Searches for records which have the property `direction` equal to `inbound`
Example: inbound
Searches for records which have the property `cld` starting with the prefix `123`
Example: 123
Searches for records which have the property `cld` ending with the suffix `789`
Example: 789
Searches for records which have the property `cld` containing the pattern `456`
Example: 456
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 1
Page number
Possible values: >= 1
and <= 50
Default value: 20
Page size
Specifies the sort order for results.
Example: sort=-created_at
Sorts search results using the `created_at` date-time in ascending order
Example: created_at
Sorts search results using the `created_at` date-time in descending order
Example: created_at
200: Successful
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Array [
- Message
- Conference
- Conference Participant
- Verify 2FA
- Sim Card Usage
- Media Storage
Unique identifier of the message
Identifier of the Telnyx account who owns the message
Message completion time
Message creation time
Message updated time
Time when the message was sent
Country-specific carrier used to send or receive the message
Fee charged by certain carriers in order to deliver certain message types. Telnyx passes this fee on to the customer according to our pricing table
The recipient of the message (to parameter in the Messaging API)
The sender of the message (from parameter in the Messaging API). For Alphanumeric ID messages, this is the sender ID value
Two-letter representation of the country of the cld property using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
Final webhook delivery status
Failover customer-provided URL which Telnyx posts delivery status webhooks to
Primary customer-provided URL which Telnyx posts delivery status webhooks to
Possible values: [inbound
, outbound
Logical direction of the message from the Telnyx customer's perspective. It's inbound when the Telnyx customer receives the message, or outbound otherwise
Indicates whether this is a Free-To-End-User (FTEU) short code message
Mobile country code. Only available for certain products, such as Global Outbound-Only from Alphanumeric Sender ID
Mobile network code. Only available for certain products, such as Global Outbound-Only from Alphanumeric Sender ID
Possible values: [SMS
Describes the Messaging service used to send the message. Available services are: Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), and Rich Communication Services (RCS)
Indicates whether both sender and recipient numbers are Telnyx-managed
Unique identifier of the Messaging Profile used to send or receive the message
Name of the Messaging Profile used to send or receive the message
Two-letter representation of the country of the cli property using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
Possible values: [gw_timeout
, delivered
, dlr_unconfirmed
, dlr_timeout
, received
, gw_reject
, failed
Final status of the message after the delivery attempt
Comma-separated tags assigned to the Telnyx number associated with the message
Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost
Amount, in the user currency, for the Telnyx billing cost
Telnyx API error codes returned by the Telnyx gateway
Number of message parts. The message is broken down in multiple parts when its length surpasses the limit of 160 characters
Default value: message_detail_record
Identifies the record schema
Conference id
Conference name
User id
Conference start time
Conference end time
Conference expiry time
Region where the conference is hosted
Telnyx UUID that identifies the conference call leg
Telnyx UUID that identifies with conference call session
Connection id
Duration of the conference call in seconds
Number of participants that joined the conference call
Sum of the conference call duration for all participants in seconds
Indicates whether Telnyx billing charges might be applicable
Default value: conference_detail_record
Participant id
User id
Conference id
Participant join time
Participant leave time
Number called by the participant to join the conference
Participant origin number used in the conference call
Telnyx UUID that identifies the conference call leg
Telnyx UUID that identifies with conference call session
Duration of the conference call in seconds
Duration of the conference call for billing purposes
Indicates whether Telnyx billing charges might be applicable
Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Currency amount for Telnyx billing cost
Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost
Default value: conference_participant_detail_record
Feature invocation id
Feature invocation time
Possible values: [PREMIUM
Feature name
User-provided tags
Billing Group id
Name of the Billing Group specified in billing_group_id
Connection id
Connection name
Telnyx UUID that identifies the related call leg
Telnyx UUID that identifies the related call session
Indicates whether Telnyx billing charges might be applicable
Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Currency amount for Telnyx billing cost
Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost
Default value: amd_detail_record
Unique ID of the verification
E.164 formatted phone number
Possible values: [sms
, psd2
, call
, flashcall
Depending on the type of verification, the verify_channel_id
points to one of the following channel ids;
verify_channel_type | verify_channel_id ------------------- | ----------------- sms, psd2 | messaging_id call, flashcall | call_control_id
Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing costs
Billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing costs
Currency amount for Verify Usage Fee
Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing costs
Default value: verification_detail_record
Unique identifier for this SIM Card Usage
Event creation time
Event close time
Ip address that generated the event
Number of megabytes downloaded
International Mobile Subscriber Identity
Mobile country code
Mobile network code
Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost
Unit of wireless link consumption
Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Sim group name for sim card
Unique identifier for SIM card
Unique identifier for SIM group
User-provided tags
Telephone number associated to SIM card
Number of megabytes uploaded
Data cost
Default value: sim_card_usage
Unique identifier for the Media Storage Event
Event creation time
Asset id
User id
Organization owner id
Type of action performed against the Media Storage API
Link channel type
Link channel id
Request status
Webhook id
Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost
Currency amount for Telnyx billing cost
Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost
Default value: media_storage
"data": [
"meta": {
"total_pages": 3,
"total_results": 55,
"page_number": 2,
"page_size": 25
Request samples
- cURL
curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Response samples
- 200
"data": [
"meta": {
"total_pages": 3,
"total_results": 55,
"page_number": 2,
"page_size": 25