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Get all SIM cards


Returns a list of all your sim cards


Query Parameters

    page[number] number

    Current page based on pagination settings.

    page[size] number

    Number of results to return per page based on pagination settings.

    filter[sim_card_tags] string[]

    A list of SIM card tags to filter on.

    filter[sim_card_id] uuid

    A valid SIM card ID.

    filter[sim_card_iccid] string

    A search string to partially match for the SIM card's ICCID.

    filter[sim_card_group_id] uuid

    A valid SIM card group ID.

    filter[sim_card_group_name] string

    A search string to partially match for the SIM card's group.


200: Successful response

401: Authentication error

403: Authorization error
