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Bulk update SIM cards


Bulk updates to perform on a list of SIM cards




SIM card bulk update request

    ids uuid[]

    A list of IDs for which the changes will apply to.

    enabled boolean

    Whether the SIM card should be enabled or disabled.

    sim_card_group_id uuid

    The SIM card group to which all the provided SIM card IDs will be moved to.

    tags string[]

    A list of tags to apply to the provided SIM cards.

    status string

    Possible values: [enabled, disabled, standby]

    The SIM card status to which all the provided SIM card IDs will be moved to.

    authorized_imeis string[]

    A list of authorized IMEIs that will be applied to all the provided SIM cards.


200: Successful response

401: Authentication error

403: Authorization error
