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View a list of room recordings.



Query Parameters

    filter[date_ended_at][eq] date

    ISO 8601 date for filtering room recordings ended on that date.

    filter[date_ended_at][gte] date

    ISO 8601 date for filtering room recordings ended after that date.

    filter[date_ended_at][lte] date

    ISO 8601 date for filtering room recordings ended before that date.

    filter[date_started_at][eq] date

    ISO 8601 date for filtering room recordings started on that date.

    filter[date_started_at][gte] date

    ISO 8601 date for filtering room recordings started after that date.

    filter[date_started_at][lte] date

    ISO 8601 date for filtering room recordings started before that date.

    filter[room_id] uuid

    room_id for filtering room recordings.

    filter[participant_id] uuid

    participant_id for filtering room recordings.

    filter[session_id] uuid

    session_id for filtering room recordings.

    filter[status] string

    status for filtering room recordings.

    filter[type] string

    type for filtering room recordings.

    filter[duration_secs][eq] integer

    duration_secs equal for filtering room recordings.

    filter[duration_secs][lte] integer

    duration_secs less or equal for filtering room recordings.

    filter[duration_secs][gte] integer

    duration_secs greater or equal for filtering room recordings.

    page[size] integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 250

    Default value: 20

    The size of the page.

    page[number] integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    The page number to load.


200: List room recordings response.

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"data": [
"id": "6b61621f-62e0-4aad-ab11-9fd19e272e73",
"room_id": "7b61621f-5fe4-4aad-ab11-9fd19e272e73",
"session_id": "8b61621f-5fe4-4aad-ab11-9fd19e272e73",
"participant_id": "9b61621f-5fe4-4aad-ab11-9fd19e272e73",
"status": "completed",
"download_url": "",
"type": "audio",
"duration_secs": 3660,
"size_mb": 5.6,
"codec": "opus",
"created_at": "2021-04-16T09:46:20.954863Z",
"updated_at": "2021-04-16T10:24:55.962200Z",
"started_at": "2021-04-16T09:24:55.962200Z",
"ended_at": "2021-04-16T10:24:55.962200Z",
"completed_at": "2021-04-16T10:25:55.962200Z",
"record_type": "room_session"
"meta": {
"page_number": 2,
"page_size": 25,
"total_pages": 3,
"total_results": 55