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Generate a new messaging profile secret


Generates a new secret for an existing messaging profile.

Requests for sending and retrieving messages are authenticated using the secret of the messaging profile to which your sending phone number is assigned.


Path Parameters

    profile_id uuidrequired

    ID of messaging profile


200: Updated messaging profile

Request samples

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Response samples

"user_id": "834f3d53-8a3c-4aa0-a733-7f2d682a72df",
"profile_id": "834f3d53-8a3c-4aa0-a733-7f2d682a72df",
"name": "string",
"enabled": true,
"secret": "rq789onm321yxzkjihfEdcBAmmijjoik",
"incoming_webhook_url": "",
"incoming_failover_url": "",
"webhook_api_version": "1",
"whitelisted_destinations": [
"alpha_sender": "Telnyx",
"number_pool_settings": {
"toll_free_weight": 10,
"long_code_weight": 1,
"skip_unhealthy": true,
"sticky_sender": false,
"geomatch": false
"url_shortener_settings": {
"domain": "",
"prefix": "",
"replace_blacklist_only": "",
"send_webhooks": ""