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Creates an Upload request


Creates a new Upload request to Microsoft teams with the included phone numbers. Only one of civic_address_id or location_id must be provided, not both. The maximum allowed phone numbers for the numbers_ids array is 1000.


Path Parameters

    id int64required

    Identifies the resource.



Parameters that can be set when creating an Upload request.

    number_ids string[]
    usage string

    Possible values: [calling_user_assignment, first_party_app_assignment]

    The use case of the upload request. NOTE: calling_user_assignment is not supported for toll free numbers.

    additional_usages string[]

    Possible values: [calling_user_assignment, first_party_app_assignment]

    location_id uuid

    Identifies the location to assign all phone numbers to.

    civic_address_id uuid

    Identifies the civic address to assign all phone numbers to.


202: Successful response

401: Unauthorized

404: Not found

413: Payload too large. The maximum allowed phone numbers for the numbers_ids array is 1000.

422: Unprocessable Entity

504: Gateway Timeout
