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Get all outbound voice profiles



Get all outbound voice profiles belonging to the user that match the given filters.


Query Parameters

    page[number] integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    The page number to load.

    page[size] integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 250

    Default value: 20

    The size of the page.

    filter[name][contains] string

    Optional filter on outbound voice profile name.

    sort string

    Possible values: [enabled, -enabled, created_at, -created_at, name, -name, service_plan, -service_plan, traffic_type, -traffic_type, usage_payment_method, -usage_payment_method]

    Default value: -created_at

    Specifies the sort order for results. By default sorting direction is ascending. To have the results sorted in descending order add the - prefix.

    That is:

    • name: sorts the result by the name field in ascending order.
    • -name: sorts the result by the name field in descending order.


200: Successful response

401: Unauthorized

422: Bad request
